Welcome - Chef's words mmmm

搬到 Pleasanton, CA 已半年了,愛上這個四季有不同景色的可愛小鎮.喜歡這裡的學校,公園,山丘,小農場, 還有來往運動的友善人群. 感謝主-引領我至此. 分享的結果是得到更多—一開始只是與朋友分享我為家人準備的家鄉食物,受到朋友鼓勵,開始接些客製訂單.這些食物都很簡單,您一定也會做,只是太忙所以由我代勞. 功夫熊貓的鶴爸爸說: “食物的秘方就是沒有秘方”.我的秘訣則是來自於我母親對食物的熱情與對家人的愛. 我最喜歡在安頓好小孩後,播放著喜歡的音樂,慢慢地享受食物在我手中的變化,這些聽音樂的簡樸食物,於是呈獻於您眼前.


It’s been 6 months since we moved to Pleasanton CA, and we love it here. We love the changing seasons here, the lovely schools, the many fun-filled parks, and the friendly folks who call this town their home. We are grateful that God led us here. In the beginning, I just wanted to prepare some home-style cooking for friends and family, and with their approval and encouragement, I started accepting customer orders. Many dishes are simple to make, but you may be short on time … let my passion to do the cooking for you. Kung Fu Panda’s dad said of the secret ingredient in his noodle soup: “The secret ingredient is … nothing!” And my secret ingredient was passed on from my mom, which was none other than a mother’s love and her passion for good cooking. After sending the kids to school, I like to turn on the music, and enjoy watching the various ingredients dance between my fingers, transforming into the tasty dishes you see before you.