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主题 : 旅美北大女化学家涉嫌投铊毒杀清华老公
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楼主  发表于: 2011-02-10   





被控毒杀丈夫的新泽西州华裔化学研究员李天乐(Tianle Li,以下均为音译),9日下午在法院过堂,由律师辩称无罪。比李天乐小一岁的丈夫王晓晔(Xiaoye Wang)上月底死亡,医院化验死因为金属铊(thallium)中毒。

在必治妥施贵宝制药公司工作十年的李天乐,有管道可从公司取得该放射性毒物;但其代表律师艾特曼(Steven Altman)9日表示,李天乐不曾自公司取得该毒物,也未谋害正协议离婚的丈夫。

40岁的李天乐,身着绿狱衣、戴金边眼镜,9日在新泽西州密德萨士郡高等法院,聆听法官托脱(Michael Toto)说明她的权利和法律程序。针对法庭裁定的450万元保释金,艾特曼向法官要求降低保释金额。艾特曼表示,刑事控罪的保释金通常在25万元至75万元间。

王晓晔是于上月14日因有「类似病毒感染」的症状就医,同月26日在普林斯顿大学医院死亡。密德萨士郡副助理检察官希维渠(Nicholas Sewitch)指出,王晓晔体内有致命剂量的金属铊,但他不愿说明,这种毒物是如何进入其体内。希维渠指出,是普林斯顿大学医院的一名护士联想起1990年代中国曾有铊中毒的案例,建议医师对病情一直未见起色的王晓晔做金属铊的化验。然而,在1月22、23日左右,王晓晔即已陷入昏迷。希维渠表示,李天乐可以从工作场所取得金属铊,但他不愿说明李天乐是否自服务的公司取得该毒物。他指出,这对协议离婚的夫妇,原定于1月14日签字离婚,正是王晓晔进医院的同一天。 




新泽西州华裔化学家李天乐(Tianle Li,音译)涉嫌以重金属物质铊杀害丈夫王晓晔(Xiaoye Wang,音译)案,9日在中文网上热议。有自称李天乐同事的网友说,李天乐平时做事就比较爱走极端,却绝难想到她会做出杀人的事。





[ 此帖被卡拉在02-13-2011 00:07重新编辑 ]







Tomorrow is another day.
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55楼  发表于: 2013-09-30   
"铊"杀亲夫李天乐被判终身监禁 拒绝认罪,将上诉

今天,新泽西州法官宣布裁定纽约的必治妥施贵宝制药公司(Bristol-Myers Squibb) 前华裔化学师李天乐谋杀罪名成立。这位“铊杀”亲夫的冷血妻子被判终身监禁,并在未来的62年内不得申请假释。法官形容这一案件为“一场有预谋的、精心策划的、并且用残忍手法进行的犯罪。”



“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
莲子 离线
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54楼  发表于: 2013-07-31   
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53楼  发表于: 2013-07-11   
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52楼  发表于: 2013-07-10   



  住在中国的王明(Ming Wang,译音)作证称,他与太太在2008年12月到来美国,与儿子及媳妇同住了一年,李天乐当时在2009年1月预产两人的第一名小孩。









  这宗由新州高等法庭法官杜图主审的案件现进入第二周,一位来自明尼苏达州Mayo Clinic的实验室技师曾在审讯中作证称,王晓业在2011年1月时体内的铊毒含量之多,“超出图表”。


“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

51楼  发表于: 2013-07-10   
美国华裔女子铊毒杀夫被判谋杀 其母坚称无罪
新京报记者韩旭阳 高美


  9日,新泽西州当地法院裁定曾就职制药公司的华裔研究员李天乐(音译)使用重金属铊谋杀其夫王晓业(音译)罪名成立,将于9月30日宣判,她可能会被判 30年监禁。其夫于2011年被发现铊中毒,后不治身亡。从2011年立案调查到如今被裁定有罪,该案经历2年诉讼历程,美国司法机构是如何审理此案的?另外,王晓业家属准备状告医院未能及时发现病灶,导致不治身亡。

    【裁决】 其母坚称女儿无罪











    【原因】 检方称其不想离婚谋杀亲夫





    ■ 追诉    家人诉医院失职治疗不当













“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
newport93 离线
级别: 资深会员
50楼  发表于: 2013-07-10   

李天乐铊杀丈夫 罪名成立

随遇而安, 知足常乐。
卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

49楼  发表于: 2011-08-05   
华裔涉嫌铊杀亲夫案 受害者家人起诉李天乐所在公司

  据美国《侨报》报道,美国新泽西州华人工程师王晓业(Xiaoye Wang,音译)疑因被妻子李天乐(Tianle-Li)投铊毒致死,其家人日前向雇用李天乐的知名制药公司施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)提出诉讼,理由是施贵宝公司明知道李天乐状态不稳定,但仍然允许她从公司实验室领取有剧毒的金属铊。

  李天乐和王晓业分别毕业于北大和清华,住在新州门罗镇(Monroe Township),李天乐在施贵宝公司当化学研究员,王晓业是一名电脑工程师。两人于2008年生下一子,但婚姻亮起红灯,他们本来应该在2011年1月14日办完离婚的最后手续,但当天王晓业到普林斯顿大学医疗中心住院,26日死亡,死因是金属铊中毒。


  诉状还指出医生疏忽失职。王晓业告诉医生他有类似中毒的症状,他认为妻子李天乐向他投毒,但医生没有把他的话当回事,认为那是“妄想综合症”(paranoid syndrome)。直到王晓业死亡的前一天,医院一直允许李天乐在没有监督的情况下去探望他。



  王晓业的遗产代理律师蒙格路兹(Robert Mongeluzzi)说,假如制药公司和医院尽职的话,王晓业至今还活着。施贵宝公司知道,或应该知道李天乐是个不稳定的人,不应该让她拿到可以致命的铊毒。医院的工作人员,包括医生在内,当病人担心生命危险时,他们应该倾听病人的话,相反,他们让李天乐把事情干到底。这听起来像电视剧,但悲剧的确发生了。
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
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级别: 总版主

48楼  发表于: 2011-06-27   
被控以金属铊毒杀丈夫 美国华裔女子付不出律师费







“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
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47楼  发表于: 2011-03-15   
Prosecutor says Monroe woman continued to poison estranged husband at Princeton hospital

Published: Monday, March 14, 2011, 9:27 PM     Updated: Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 5:44 AM
By Star-Ledger Staff

MONROE — While Xiaoye Wang lay dying in a Princeton hospital in January, his estranged wife continued to feed him poison, a prosecutor said today.

And when her husband fell into a coma, Tianle Li, 40, tried to buy two one-way tickets — for herself and her 2-year-old son — back to her native China. Li, a scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb, was charged last month with murdering Wang in the midst of divorce proceedings.

"She poisoned her husband to death," said Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Nicholas Sewitch at a hearing in New Brunswick.

Sewitch said Li obtained thallium, a highly toxic heavy metal that is tasteless and odorless, from the supply room at Bristol-Myers Squibb, although the research she was doing did not require it.

"She ordered (four) bottles of thallium," he said. "When she returned the bottles, over 90 percent of the thallium was gone."

Today’s hearing was scheduled after Li’s attorney, Steven Altman, filed motions to reduce her bail so his client could return to her home in Monroe and regain custody of her son, now in a foster home under the control of the state’s Division of Youth and Families.

In part, the hearing was a way for Altman to force the prosecutor to reveal evidence why Li’s bail should remain so high.

Superior Court Judge Michael Toto denied Altman’s motion, keeping bail at $4 million for the charge of murder and another $150,000 on a charge of hindering her own apprehension. A probable cause hearing was scheduled for April 26.

Li sat quietly, her hands cuffed in front of her, during the hearing, an expression of fear and pain on her face. Her mother, Jian Zhang, was in the courtroom, having traveled from her home in Beijing, China. She was accompanied by an attorney who spoke Chinese and translated for her and declined to comment after the proceedings.

Li began feeding her husband thallium sometime in December or January, according to Sewitch, which was before Wang, a computer engineer, admitted himself into University Medical Center in Princeton on Jan. 14, complaining of virus-like symptoms.

The prosecutor did not detail exactly how Li poisoned Wang, and said that when she was questioned by investigators, "she denied anything to do with thallium."

But during today’s hearing Sewitch told Toto that Li applied for a rush visa for her son in order to take him to China, and that two days before her husband died she tried to purchase airplane tickets.

On Jan. 28, just 48 hours after Wang’s death, authorities charged Li with hindering her own apprehension and jailed her. Two weeks later, she was charged with murder.

Li and Wang, who was 39 at the time of his death and also a native of China, were married in 2001 and were in the final stages of divorce, with the final hearing to dissolve their marriage scheduled for Jan. 14, but the hearing was postponed.

That day, Wang, a computer engineer in New York, took himself to the hospital. His condition deteriorated until he died Jan. 26, the day after doctors determined he was suffering from thallium poisoning.

The heavy metal can be bought over the internet, in powder or liquid form. Before it was banned for household use in this country almost 30 years ago, it was popular as a rodenticide and insecticide and is still used in the pharmaceutical industry, in glass and electronics manufacturing and medicinally in stress tests to help diagnose coronary artery disease.

Symptoms of thallium poisoning usually begin with gastrointestinal distress, followed by increasing nerve pain, hair loss, blindness and coma. There is only one antidote, Prussian blue, which is not readily available in the United States. Despite heroic efforts by the New Jersey Poison Control Center, state’s department of health and senior services, a sufficient dose of Prussian blue did not arrive until Wang was near death, and at that point, said doctors, nothing could more could be done to save him.

By Sue Epstein and Amy Ellis Nutt/The Star-Ledger

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
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46楼  发表于: 2011-03-15   
新州铊毒杀夫案聆讯 丈夫住院仍喂毒

 本报讯:新泽西州华裔女子李天乐(Tianle Li,译音,见图左)涉嫌用铊(thallium)毒杀丈夫王晓业(Xiaoye Wang)的案件,一名检察官14日表示,在王躺在普林斯顿医院等待死亡的时候,李天乐仍给王喂毒药。

  新泽西州《明星纪事报》网站报道,在王陷入昏迷时,40岁的李天乐试图买两张返回中国的单程机票,一张买给自己,一张买给两岁的儿子。本身是必治妥施贵宝公司(Bristol-Myers Squibb)科学家的李天乐,上月被控与丈夫办理离婚期间谋杀39岁的丈夫王晓业。








  在聆讯期间,李天乐双手被铐在前面,静静地坐着,脸部表现出害怕和痛苦。其从北京老家前来的母亲张俭(Jian Zhang,译音)也在法庭里,由律师陪同,并为她翻译。
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
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45楼  发表于: 2011-02-19   
美华裔被控用铊毒杀夫 律师动议检察官公开证据




有关当局称,任职化学研究员的李天乐,在去年12月或今年1月,用金属铊下毒,谋杀丈夫王晓晔。艾特曼在文件中指出,现年40岁的李天乐,被指谋杀39岁的王晓晔,但检方所列举的指控原因只包括证人及被告的证词、毒物学分析以及警方调查报告。王晓晔于1 月26日在普林斯顿大学医院去世。


“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
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44楼  发表于: 2011-02-16   
回 43楼(平安) 的帖子
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43楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   




[ 此帖被平安在02-14-2011 22:39重新编辑 ]
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42楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   
Defense requests bail reduction, probable cause hearing in Monroe fatal poisoning case
Published: Monday, February 14, 2011, 7:36 PM    
Updated: Monday, February 14, 2011, 9:32 PM
By Sue Epstein/The Star-Ledger

MONROE — The attorney for a Monroe Township woman, charged with fatally poisoning her husband with thallium, filed motions in New Brunswick to force the prosecutor to reveal the evidence against her.

Steven Altman filed motions today asking to reduce Tianle Li’s bail from $4.15 million for murder and hindering her own apprehension, to something more within court guidelines for the charges.

Altman is also seeking a probable cause hearing, at which Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Nicholas Sewitch would have to present enough evidence he has to support the charges against Li.

Authorities have said Li, a research chemist, obtained radioactive thallium and administered a dose to Wang in December or January.

Altman said in the papers the complaint charging Li, 40, with murdering Xiaoye Wang, 39, who died Jan. 26 at University Medical Center in Princeton, lists only "statements of witnesses and the defendant, a toxicological analysis and the results of police investigation" as the probable cause.

"No facts are presented that directly connect Ms. Li to the allegations," the attorney said. He asks that "if the state is unable to produce evidence on the date set by the court, the criminal complaint against her (Li) should be dismissed without prejudice."

As for bail, Altman asked it be reduced to an amount "commensurate with the applicable bail guidelines," which are between $5,000 and $10,000 for the hindering charge and between $250,000 and $1 million for the murder.

No court date has been set for the motions.

Li, a research chemist at Bristol-Myers Squib in Lawrenceville, was arrested Jan. 28, two days after her husband died.

Hospital officials did not confirm until Jan. 25, after testing for many other causes for his symptoms, that Wang had thallium poisoning.

The couple were scheduled to finalize their divorce on Jan. 14, the date Wang went to the hospital. The couple, who have a 23-month-old son, moved into the Monroe home in Sept. 2008, but began having problems in April 2009.

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

41楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   
卡肿就是卡肿, 谢谢这些深度报道。。。
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级别: 总版主

40楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   
Insider Faulted Hospital on Thallium Death
来源:Seagull Reference

A person with information posted online about details of Wang Xiaoye's death. The Princeton Medical Hospital failed to take the patient's allegation of poisoning seriously, and subsequent delay in diagnose and obtaining treatment caused the patient's life.

1) Wang talked to the Hospital regarding possible poisoning by chemist wife in the middle of a bitter divorcing process when he checked himself in on Jan 14;

2) The Hospital thought Wang was insane, and assigned a mental doctor;

3) On or about Jan 17, it happened that a Chinese nurse was assigned to Wang's bed on a 12 hours shift. This magic nurse recorded Wang's symptoms and Googled online after going home. All findings point to one possibility, Thallium poisoning. The Hospital was notified immediately;

4) The Hospital performed a test for Thallium, which needed an out-of-State agency to interpret the result. The positive result took one week to arrive on January 25, too late. Whiling waiting for the official testing result, even though all findings point to Thallium, the Hospital did not attempt to treat Wang, for the entire 7 days. The Hospital saw the patient living a terrible death, to his last breath.

其实早在1月底我已经知晓美国新泽西普林斯顿大学医学院的铊毒案,当时美国FBI 已经介入,消息不多只是知道那个死去的男的39岁无锡人,现在是华裔美国人,1月14日当时入院的时候病情一天天加重,他提示有可能是妻子投毒,原因是他和妻子关系不好,同时他们在闹离婚,但是美国医生不认同他的说法,还派了个精神病科的医生去医治,不过后来看其症状像是中毒,按照医院的常规检测但是一直也没有结果,到1月17日左右正好有个华裔护士换班看护他,因为前面那个护士8小时后下班,接班的护士是12小时的班,还要看护4个小时。她精于工作,观察了病人的症状并且做了记录,回家以后立即上网查这样的症状,没想到的是显示这样的症状的是朱令案子里面的铊中毒,第一时间她就电告医师,希望做铊的检查,因为铊的检查需要专门的仪器,最后在1月25号报告才出来,病人身体里面含有大量的铊,美国方面立刻动用普鲁士蓝,但是大雪封路,全美只有很少的地方有这个药,最后那个病人还是在1月26日死去。接着从FBI口中知道那个妻子是1998年从北京过去美国的,当是我心里一惊,因为在这以前我已经大量的了解了朱令案,当时我的判断是北京过去的不是清华就是北大,因为名牌大学出国容易,男的是39岁,女的估计小一点,可能也是1973年生的,名字里有个 LEE,应该姓李吧!后来证实女的40岁,是北大的,应该是71年的。据说那个男的死的时候是很痛苦的,人已经被铊毒摧残的不像样子了。可怜啊!死的时候牧师做了祷告。从这件事情我第一次了解了朱令案,我不想品论谁是凶手,但是我极端痛恨凶手,我想凶手死了以后肯定是要下地狱的,不论在中国还是在国外,她?他?会受到惩罚。一个人道德良心上受的煎熬比身体的煎熬更加可怕。即使她或者他是个无神论者,但是我认为这个罪孽是几辈子也消不了的。祸延几代。铊是可怕的,更加可怕的是她或者他

The same poster windly2011 wrote about the case on Feb 2, 2011, earlier than it was reported in the media, therefore, it looks like a credible source.


[ 此帖被卡拉在02-14-2011 18:01重新编辑 ]
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau
maggie 离线
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39楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   


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级别: 军区司令员
38楼  发表于: 2011-02-14   
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37楼  发表于: 2011-02-13   
A 15-year-old case yields a timely clue in deadly thallium poisoning
Published: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 8:00 AM    
Updated: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 8:17 AM
By Star-Ledger Staff

MONROE — In April 1995, two college undergraduates in China posted a message on the internet:

"Hi. This is Peking University … A young 21-year old student has become very sick and is dying … Doctors at the best hospitals in Beijing cannot cure her … So now we are asking the world — can somebody help us?"

Their friend, Zhu Ling, a chemistry student, was suffering stomach pain and hair loss and was slowly becoming immobilized. The paralysis had spread up into her diaphragm and was now preventing her from breathing. If the cause wasn’t found soon, she would probably die.

More than 2,000 people around the world heeded the call for help, and a graduate student and professor in the department of radiological sciences at UCLA reviewed the replies and came up with an answer: thallium poisoning.

Ling’s doctors tested their patient, confirmed the diagnosis and administered the only known antidote, Prussian blue, according to international news accounts. Ling survived, but was left with permanent neurological damage and severe cognitive deficits.

The case was widely publicized in China. Police questioned one of Ling’s roommates, but no one was ever charged.

That same year, Tianle Li, who today sits in a North Brunswick jail charged with fatally poisoning her husband, graduated with a degree in chemistry from Tshingua University, which is in the same Beijing neighborhood as Peking University.

It is impossible to know if Li knew about the Ling case, but a nurse at University Medical Center in Princeton remembered it last month, according to Steven Marcus, medical and executive director of New Jersey Poison Control.

Although authorities have refused to release the name of the nurse, it was she who suggested testing Li’s then-critically ill husband for thallium poisoning. The results were positive, but the rush to save Xiaoye Wang’s life ultimately proved futile.

Middlesex County Assistant Prosecutor Nicholas Sewitch confirmed last week that Wang was given a "lethal, massive" amount of thallium.

Sprinkled on food or dissolved in liquid, thallium has been called the "poisoner’s poison" and "inheritance powder." It’s been dusted on doughnuts, cakes and protein shakes; dissolved in bottles of cola and beer; poured into cups of tea and glasses of vodka; and found in saltshakers, candy canes and boxes of chocolate.

Thallium is a rare, nondescript heavy metal, and it is what prosecutors say Bristol-Myers Squibb chemist Li allegedly used to kill her husband.

Li, who has a 2-year-old son by Wang, remains in jail in lieu of $4.15 million bail. Her attorney, Steven Altman, says he plans to file motions Monday for two hearings.
"The bail is extremely excessive," he said. "She wants her child. She has no reason to leave or go anywhere."

The other hearing is for probable cause, to force the prosecutor’s office to "show information that (she) poisoned her husband or have the judge order her released."
While unusual as a murder weapon, thallium has been the tool of choice for everyone from spiteful spouses to heads of state seeking to punish political opponents.
Amnesty International and investigators from the World Health Organization say that thallium was used under Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein to kill hundreds of dissidents.

In 1981, Shawkat Akrawi, an industrial chemist in Iraq, made a surreptitious phone call from a Baghdad hospital to a reporter at New Scientist magazine in Great Britain. He spoke in Kurdish, according to an article the magazine published a short time later:

"The accident they arranged didn’t kill me," Akrawi told the reporter, "so they gave me thallium in the hospital where I am being treated."

Akrawi told the writer, "Say goodbye to everybody." Then the line went dead.


Experts say thallium, which is colorless, odorless and tasteless, is often chosen by the nefarious because it is slow-acting, painful and its wide-ranging symptoms are suggestive of a host of other illnesses and conditions.

"There is a triad of symptoms: gastrointestinal, peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage to the extremities) and hair loss," said Steven Marcus, medical and executive director of New Jersey Poison Control.

Marcus says those who choose thallium as a weapon "tend to be more cowardly than other kind of murderers. Poison puts a distance so the poisoner doesn’t have to be near when the victim dies."

In 1962, a year after Agatha Christie published a thallium-based murder mystery, a British teen named Graham Young used the heavy metal to kill his stepmother and sicken several other family members. Although committed to an institution for the criminally insane, Young was released in 1971 and promptly killed two co-workers and seriously injured two more — all with thallium poisoning. Young was sentenced to four consecutive life sentences, and in 1990 died in prison from a heart attack at age 42.

As recently as 2002, a 61-year-old Long Island woman, Ann Perry, confessed to poisoning her longtime boyfriend by lacing his milkshake with thallium.
In 1997, Joann Curley of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., confessed to authorities she’d killed her husband six years earlier by spiking his daily thermos of ice tea with thallium over nine months.

Before the downfall of apartheid, South African agents had plans to slip thallium into Nelson Mandela’s medication, according to a report from the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. And last year, a former senior adviser to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat alleged Israeli military agents poisoned Arafat with the heavy metal.

Even the CIA had dreamed up a plot to use thallium to embarrass Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. The idea was, according to Senate hearings held in the mid-1970s, to dust Castro’s shoes with thallium so the hair of his legendary beard would fall out.

Thallium is relatively slow-acting, and a lethal dose usually takes almost two weeks to debilitate and kill, according to experts. Symptoms don’t begin until days after the poison is ingested and often start with stomach pain and vomiting.

When Wang was admitted to the hospital in Princeton on Jan. 14, he was scheduled to appear in court with his wife to finalize their divorce. Hours before he became ill, however, he called his lawyer, Michael Green. Wang was distraught, says Green, because he needed to postpone the hearing. His wife’s aunt was suddenly ill and had been taken to the emergency room.

Although Li’s aunt recovered and returned home that day — she later tested negative for thallium, according to Li’s criminal attorney, Altman — a new court date was set for Jan. 27.

But on either Jan. 25 or 26, says Green, he received a call from Li’s divorce lawyer, Frederick Simon, saying Li had just informed him that Wang had been in the hospital since Jan. 14 and the divorce proceedings would again have to be postponed.

"She did not inform my adversary or me that he was sick or passed until the day he died," Green said. "That was shocking to me to say the least."


Although Wang had rented an apartment in Jersey City, he had moved back into the couple’s home in Monroe several months earlier, according to Green, because he "wanted to spend a considerable amount of time with his child."

Green said he had been trying to reach his client by phone for two weeks, but to no avail; only when Simon phoned him and told him there was a story in the newspaper about Wang’s death did he know his client was deceased.

Rich Huang, co-founder of the financial analytics company PolyPaths in Manhattan, and Wang’s boss for the past four years, did not know either.

"On Monday (Jan. 17) he called in saying he was not feeling well and was in the hospital," said Huang. "He got along with everyone in the company. … Everyone is in shock."

Wang is gone, Li is in jail, and the couple’s son, Isaac, is in the care of the Division of Youth and Family Services. When one of the parties dies before a divorce can be finalized in New Jersey, the issue of custody enters what lawyers call a "black hole," said Li’s divorce attorney, Simon.

Last week, the only person answering the door at the couple’s stately home on Stanley Drive in Monroe was Li’s aunt. Speaking in Mandarin, she refused to answer a reporter’s questions.

Li has no other relatives in the United States, according to Simon. She came to America in 1998, he said, married in 2000 and became a citizen in August 2010.

"The issue is whether Mr. Wang’s family (in China) has an interest in pursuing any of the issues that came up in the divorce proceedings," said Simon, because right now, "we’re in the black hole."

Staff Writer Amy Brittain contributed to this report.
By Amy Ellis Nutt and Sue Epstein/The Star-Ledger

[ 此帖被卡拉在02-14-2011 00:16重新编辑 ]
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”  -----  Henry David Thoreau

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