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arthur 04-26-2010 15:20

Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking

I saw a little bit of the program last night.  It is purely fantasy.  I don't agree with Hawking on this.  I agree most likely alien exists.  The part I disagree is that I think it is more likely the civilization will destroy itself before they can reach another intelligent being.  --arthur


LONDON (AFP) – Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday.

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," said the astrophysicist in a new television series, according to British media reports.

The programmes depict an imagined universe featuring alien life forms in huge spaceships on the hunt for resources after draining their own planet dry.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," warned Hawking.

The doomsday scenario is suggested in the series "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking" on the Discovery Channel, which began airing in the United States on Sunday.

On the probability of alien life existing, he says: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.

"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

Glowing squid-like creatures, herds of herbivores that can hang onto a cliff face and bright yellow predators that kill their prey with stinging tails are among the creatures that stalk the scientist's fantastical cosmos.

Mankind has already made a number of attempts to contact extraterrestrial civilisations.

In 2008, American space agency NASA beamed the Beatles song "Across the Universe" into deep space to send a message of peace to any alien that happens to be in the region of Polaris -- also known as the North Star -- in 2439.

But the history of humanity's efforts to contact aliens stretches back some years.

The US probes Pioneer 10 and 11 were launched in 1972 and 1973 bearing plaques of a naked man and woman and symbols seeking to convey the positions of the Earth and the Sun.

Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, each carry a gold-plated copper phonogram disk with recordings of sounds and images on Earth.

intenseplum 04-26-2010 20:22
The part I disagree is that I think it is more likely the civilization will destroy itself before they can reach another intelligent being. 
从地球人的角度,我同意。 地球玩完,不就是后年吗?两年时间不够用,抓不到外星人的活口。但人家外星人的本事会不会比咱大,在两年之内,占领地球,不得而知。然后又一想,地球的资源也快用完了,外星人也不傻,来这干嘛?我放心了。

arthur 04-26-2010 21:39

intenseplum 04-27-2010 00:37

username 04-27-2010 00:58

arthur 04-27-2010 09:55
引用第3楼intenseplum于04-27-2010 00:37发表的  :


引用第4楼username于04-27-2010 00:58发表的  :


username 04-27-2010 10:17
引用第5楼arthur于04-27-2010 09:55发表的  :


我只是觉得Hawking说得很文质彬彬而已,能够来到地球的外星人演化上一定是竞争性很强的。  而且你不知道那些外星人长什么样子,万一对方长得像蟑螂了,人类能够和蟑螂做朋友吗。  按照美洲大陆历史,我对人类信心不大。  重点是,对方是竞争性强然后科技又一定很强大的生物的时候,人类等着被屠宰吧。 而且是人类像猎物一样被外星人屠宰。  不好意思我为人阴暗且悲观,我非常不希望人类接触外星人。  虽然我是star trek的忠实粉丝,但按照我对演化论的解读,我知道那个series的世界只是一个理想化的世界。

arthur 04-27-2010 10:34
引用第6楼username于04-27-2010 10:17发表的  :

我只是觉得Hawking说得很文质彬彬而已,能够来到地球的外星人演化上一定是竞争性很强的。  而且你不知道那些外星人长什么样子,万一对方长得像蟑螂了,人类能够和蟑螂做朋友吗。  按照美洲大陆历史,我对人类信心不大。  重点是,对方是竞争性强然后科技又一定很强大的生物的时候,人类等着被屠宰吧。 而且是人类像猎物一样被外星人屠宰。  不好意思我为人阴暗且悲观,我非常不希望人类接触外星人。  虽然我是star trek的忠实粉丝,但按照我对演化论的解读,我知道那个series的世界只是一个理想化的世界。

You still not getting what I said.  For the last time let me explain myself again. :)


username 04-27-2010 19:53
引用第7楼arthur于04-27-2010 10:34发表的  :

You still not getting what I said.  For the last time let me explain myself again. :)



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