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冰花 11-17-2021 07:58

欢迎预订冰花新诗集February’s Rose 纯英文版

冰花新诗集February’s Rose 纯英文版热销中













冰花 敬谢!!!




冰花 11-17-2021 17:17
冰花新诗集February’s Rose 推荐语

I like Bing Hua‘s poetry, simple yet full of feelings. Mr. Xu Yingcai’s translation is also quite commendable for the accuracy ,individuality, and cohesion he has achieved!Bing Hua is good at allegorizing subtle intricacies and tender sentiments through scenes in the nature to express her feelings.
–William Marr,Former President of Illinois State Poetry Society

Bing Hua‘s ecstatic poetry of love invites the reader to experience the many faces of love—love expressed in the seasons, in the gravity of a door, in the heartbreak of the girl who “Turns away from the splendor of rainbows” (This Girl). Read these poems and be moved by the enduring, and sometimes wrenching, power of love.
–Sylvia Cavanaugh, English language Editor for Poetry Hall

Bing Hua is an outstanding poet who pursues a unique aesthetic value and is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!
–Liu Huangtian, Former President of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

“Startled”, you may discover “The Light of Poetry” in Bing Hua’s poems on “Love” and “Waiting” and “Promise”. They can help change your “Mood” in “Setback” and get rid of “The Sorrow of Blue” or some “Haunting Thoughts”. Hopefully they could lead you through “That Door” to see “Dancing” “Mayflowers” and hear the “Sound of Silence”.
–Zhu Xiao Di, Famous Bilingual Writer

What a marvelous Bing Hua! During the daytime, she is busy with her career and all the house chores, and at night, she bends over under the lamp writing many poems. Bing Hua doesn’t need me to crown her. Those hundred and more compliments she has received tell the story of her reputation in the poetry circle.
–Song Xiaoliang, Famous Writer


冰花 11-24-2021 10:41
冰花善于将复杂而缠绵的情愫寓于大自然的景物中,来抒发情怀。                     ——    非   马  
Bing Hua is good at allegorizing subtle intricacies and tender sentiments through scenes in the nature to express her feelings.                                                               ——  William Marr

冰花是有独特美学追求的卓越诗人。在诗坛一片死寂的年代,她的玫瑰独自吐芳,何等叫人惊讶的奇迹!                                                                                                                  —— 刘荒田

Bing Hua is an outstanding poet who pursues a unique aesthetic value and is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!
                                                                                                                    ——   Liu Huangtian  
赞冰花!白天,她事业家务一肩扛;夜晚,她灯下伏案诗千行。她在诗坛的声誉用不着我去为之定冠,看看为她写评论的人次竟多到过百,也就门儿清了。                               —— 宋晓亮
What a marvelous Bing Hua! During the daytime, she is busy with her career and all the house chores, and at night, she bends over under the lamp writing many poems. Bing Hua doesn’t need me to crown her. Those hundred and more compliments she has received tell the story of her reputation in the poetry circle.                                      ——   Song Xiaoliang

讴歌生命之爱和情感之美,是冰花诗作的核心意向。                                             —— 林   楠    
Bing Hua’s poems center on the theme of lauding the love of life and the beauty of feelings.                                                                                                                —— Lin Nan

冰花是爱的天使,她形成了独具个性广受欢迎的“冰花体”。“冰花现象” 为沉寂冷清的华文诗坛带来了如沐春风的爽心惬意。                                                                                   —— 石群良
Bing Hua is the angel of love. she has formed a well-accepted style of her own --- “the Bing Hua Style” . The “Bing Hua Phenomenon” has brought a gush of pleasant spring wind to the quiet and still Chinese poetic field.                                                   ——  Shi Qunliang  

冰花,不仅仅是她自己,而是一种象征,是一种文本,汉语诗并没有沉默,而是正崛起在世界诗坛上                                                                                                                        ——王耀东                                                                                                                                                                          
Bing Hua doesn’t necessarily refer to herself,  but is a symbol and a version. Chinese poetry didn’t sink into silence, but rather is rising over the world poetry circle. ——Wang Yaodong

冰花 11-24-2021 11:00


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冰花 11-25-2021 07:52

冰花 11-26-2021 05:57



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冰花 11-27-2021 09:44

冰花 12-08-2021 10:30
欢迎预订冰花新诗集February’s Rose 纯英文版



冰花 12-08-2021 10:32
冰花新诗集February’s Rose 纯英文版热销中














冰花 敬谢!!!




冰花 12-11-2021 11:53

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冰花 12-18-2021 16:22

冰花 12-19-2021 07:18

Through time and space, Bing Hua's poetry has galloped in the overseas poetry circle for 30 years. In her poems, she likes to write about the softest feelings of human beings. Their fragrance like flowers soothes the sorrows and sadness of the world. At all times and in all countries, writing love poetry is the most difficult. "Love and Die" has been deeply engraved on people’s heart, but  Rose Lu has successfully written out"Love and Live!" That is, seeing through the rolling world, she still looks up and sings affectionately, which is not courage, but the faith from her life.

- Chen Ruilin,a famous critic of literature and writer overseas and winner of the Zhong Shan Literature Award

After years of writing friendship, Bing Hua I knew in the beginning was an American Chinese poet with the most kind and pure temperament, focusing mainly on writing love poems. Later, we met in Washington and I was also invited to her warm and clean home. I learned from her writing that she was a  life-oriented poet with her own sunshine. Later, in the in-depth exchange of poetry creation and relevant activities to promote the cause of poetry, I further discover the gradual leap of Rose Lu’s creation. Her poems have risen to the ideological level, integrating poems focusing on emotion with poems focusing on thought, making her an excellent poet with both charm and poetics. I believe in her poetic distant field, where there is a beautiful spiritual hometown.

- - ShaKes Khan / a famous contemporary Chinese poet, first-class writer, literary critic, founder and host of New Generation of Returned Poets, deputy editor in chief and artistic director of Chinese Writers and Artists Magazine.

Bing Hua's poetry deeply impresses me. First, it’s her sincerity. She is good at expressing her true feelings through poetic language, sublimating her feelings into brilliant art. Second,it’s her unique exquisite observation of females, which comes from her own life experience. Without exquisiteness, there will be no richness. Without richness, one is unlikely to write good words and poems. There is also the critical spirit embodied in Rose Lu's works. The critical spirit is the soul of art. Only  critical spirit has profundity, which is particularly eye-catching in Rose Lu's poetry. This not only reflects her unique perspective, but also expresses a poet's sense of social responsibility. Rose Lu's poetry is worth tasting slowly and should not be missed.

--Chen Jiu, a famous writer overseas and winner of the Baihua Literature Award.

Bing Hua's poems are fresh, pure, elegant and flexible,  full of infatuation and philosophy.
She uses her own unique artistic vision to observe objective things and  the "spirit" of female gentle language to reflect the emotion of the object. Expressions with novelty in simplicity, unique images, and elegant and profound lines of poetry go straight into the reader's heart so that readers can ripple the polyphonic emotion with her, enjoy the pleasure of multiple aesthetics, promote the character of artistic cognition and obtain the enlightenment of life.
That’s the very poetry loved by readers.
- Yin Caigan,a famous poet

冰花 12-19-2021 15:20
                                                                                                              —— 刘荒田 著名作家,现任旧金山美国华人文艺界协会名誉会长。

Bing Hua belongs to the group of poets who set their minds to writing about LOVE as universally assumed; she is an “angel” whose poems strike a chord with as many affectionate hearts far and wide.

In sum, Bing Hua is an accomplished poet with her own unique aesthetic pursuit; she’s been on a lonesome trudge with a lot more hardships than the throngs of online-poets ever know,is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!

Liu Huangtian,famous writer,Chairman of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

冰花 12-22-2021 12:19

冰花 12-24-2021 13:30



February’s Rose




冰花 12-25-2021 06:50
诗人、翻译家徐英才先生简介:原中国复旦大学英语教师,现在在美国德宝大学教学,曾主讲过包括古现代汉语、故现代文学、艺术、哲学等在内的众多科目。他曾往加拿大麦克马斯特大学授课并研读加拿大文学;后又赴美国德堡大学研读英美文学,并建立了德宝大学的汉语教学系统。他早期从事英汉翻译,出版过大量作品。目前主要从事汉英翻译,出版过众多译著,有《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》、《英译中国当代美文选》、《英译中国经典散文选》,《英译中国经典古诗词 100 首》、《冰花诗选》,《中国经典文化走向世界丛书散文卷三》,合编过《世界抗疫诗精选》、《世界华语乡愁诗精选》、《中国古典诗歌精选精译》、《中国当代诗歌精选精译》等。他的《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》被四川大学选做教材,被北京大学外国语学院选作英语专业研究生入学考试的必读书;他的《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》、《英译中国当代美文选》、《英译中国经典散文选》被中国政府选作礼物赠送到国外。在翻译上,他不满足中国传统的翻译原则“信达雅”,为自己设立了一个更高要求的三原则:准确、传神、浑然,在力求准确表达原文意旨的基础上,努力追求原文个性风格的表达与为目标语读者赞许的高品质译文。他喜欢写新旧诗,偶尔也写英汉俳句。他创办了华人诗学会与汉英双语纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》。

冰花 12-26-2021 08:57
冰花新書February’s Rose 將由美國Finishing Line Press 隆重推出

  美國知名華裔女詩人冰花詩集February’s Rose ,由美國著名翻譯家徐英才翻譯,將由美國Finishing Line Press 於明春隆重推出,目前正在預售階段。

  該詩集由美國著名雙語詩人非馬、旅美著名作家劉荒田、美國著名詩人Sylvia Cavanaugh、美國著名雙語作家朱小棣、美國著名作家宋曉亮聯手強力推薦。


 February’s Rose 一書精選了冰花30多年來所創作的代表性力作100首,由著名翻譯家徐英才以准確、傳神、渾然的出色翻譯展現了其原有的特色、風貌與魅力。

  該詩集記錄了冰花對兩性情感和人生的透徹感悟, 謳歌了情感之美和生命之美。全書以清純、自然、 真摯的筆調詮釋了女性的情感世界以及對人生的哲思。把人間的復雜情感融入大自然,以大自然的物像准確地抒發了人類的美好情感是冰花詩歌的主要特色。她的詩歌有著震撼心靈的獨特魔力。



  該詩集以深受英文讀者喜愛的February’s Rose 為書名。該詩集的成功出版,標志著冰花的詩歌在走進英文讀者群,走進美國、走向世界邁出了可喜的一步。

這也是華人詩學會自2018年成立以來,從碩果累累的 “華詩會譯叢”項目的這棵大樹上結出的第一個被西語世界接納的重要成果。該書由美國出版界出版,是在向世界推薦中華優秀詩歌、促進中外詩歌文化交流方面做出的新的突破。

冰花的February’s Rose 詩集目前正在預售,希望大家擁躍訂購。一起把中華優秀詩歌推向世界!相信冰花不僅是中國的“情詩凰後”,也將是世界的“情詩凰後”!


I like Bing Hua‘s poetry, simple yet full of feelings. Mr. Xu Yingcai’s translation is also quite commendable for the accuracy ,individuality, and cohesion he has achieved!Bing Hua is good at allegorizing subtle intricacies and tender sentiments through scenes in the nature to express her feelings.
–William Marr,Former President of Illinois State Poetry Society

Bing Hua‘s ecstatic poetry of love invites the reader to experience the many faces of love—love expressed in the seasons, in the gravity of a door, in the heartbreak of the girl who “Turns away from the splendor of rainbows” (This Girl). Read these poems and be moved by the enduring, and sometimes wrenching, power of love.
–Sylvia Cavanaugh, English language Editor for Poetry Hall

Bing Hua is an outstanding poet who pursues a unique aesthetic value and is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!
–Liu Huangtian, Former President of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

“Startled”, you may discover “The Light of Poetry” in Bing Hua’s poems on “Love” and “Waiting” and “Promise”. They can help change your “Mood” in “Setback” and get rid of “The Sorrow of Blue” or some “Haunting Thoughts”. Hopefully they could lead you through “That Door” to see “Dancing” “Mayflowers” and hear the “Sound of Silence”.
–Zhu Xiao Di, Famous Bilingual Writer

What a marvelous Bing Hua! During the daytime, she is busy with her career and all the house chores, and at night, she bends over under the lamp writing many poems. Bing Hua doesn’t need me to crown her. Those hundred and more compliments she has received tell the story of her reputation in the poetry circle.
–Song Xiaoliang, Famous Writer


冰花 , 本名魯麗華。當代詩人。出版詩集《冰花詩選》(Selected Poems of Bing Hua) (漢英雙語,徐英才譯),《這就是愛》(This Is Love)(含藤蟬朗誦),《溪水邊的玫瑰》 (Roses by the Stream) (2008出版,2019年以漢英雙語再版,王大建譯)等 。與徐英才共同主編享譽海內外的《世界華人經典詩選》和《海外華人詩歌精選》(2021)等。

Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”. She has won quite a number of international poetry rewards. Her poetry collections include Selected Poems of Bing Hua, This Is Love, Roses by the Stream, etc.



Yingcai Xu, a teacher of Chinese Studies, translator, and poet, has dozens of publications, some of which are used as university teaching materials and some of which governmental gifts. His poetry publication includes "Poetic South", "Inspiration from Nature", and "We Are Here Painting". Yingcai Xu is the president of the Chinese Poetry Association and the Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Hall.



William Marr, a Chinese American poet and recipient of a PhD degree in nuclear engineering from University of Wisconsin, had engaged in energy and environmental systems research for many years before his retirement. He has published a total of over 30 books of poetry, essays and translations in his native Chinese language, and several English, bilingual (Chinese/English), and multilingual (Chinese/English with French and Italian translations) poetry anthologies. He is a former president of the Illinois State Poetry Society and the holder of two lifetime achievement awards, including one from the Marquis Who' Who Publications Board. In recent years, he has also engaged in painting and sculpting and has held several art exhibitions in America and China.

Sylvia Cavanaugh has an M.S. in Urban and Regional Planning and is a National History Day teacher. A Pushcart Prize nominee, she has published three chapbooks and her poems have appeared in various periodicals and anthologies. She is a Contributing Editor for Verse-Virtual: An Online Community Journal of Poetry and is the English language editor for Poetry Hall: A Chinese and English Bilingual Journal. She serves on the board of the Council for Wisconsin Writers and her work has received awards from The Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, Wisconsin People and Ideas, The Poetry Society of Michigan, Milwaukee Irish Fest, the Hal Prize, and others.

劉荒田(Liu Huangtian), 著名作家(Famous writer),現任舊金山美國華人文藝界協會名譽會長(Former President of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America)。廣東省台山人,1980年移居美國舊金山。30多年來,已出版數十部散文隨筆集和詩集。2009年以《劉荒田美國筆記》一書獲首屆“中山杯”全球華僑文學獎散文類“最佳作品獎”。

朱小棣,雙語作家(Famous Bilingual Writer),英文著有自傳Thirty Years in a Red House,小說Tales of Judge Dee(中、法文均有譯本,中譯名《新狄公案》)。中文著有《閑書閑話》《地老天荒讀書閑》《閑讀近乎勇》《等閑識得書幾卷》《域外閑讀》《閑讀閑記》。

Mr. Zhu Xiao Di has authored a total of ten books published in the U.S., China, and France. His Memoir Thirty Years in a Red House was named by Choice magazine as an “Outstanding Bookof The Year” in 1998. His novel Tales of Judge Dee was placed No.4 in French  magazine Historia’s Prize for Historical Detective Novels after having been translated into French and published in Paris. It was also translated into Chinese and published in China. His recent works include six books of collected literary essays written in Chinese and published in China.

宋曉亮(Song Xiaoliang)著名作家(Famous Writer)。山東文登人。 常規出版:長篇小說《湧進新大陸》《切割痛苦》《夢想與噩夢的撕扯》、短篇小說集《素描百態》、散文集《心的驅動》《永不消逝的第一眼》。中篇寫實小說《無言的吶喊》《中央日報》副刊,及其海外版相繼連載、中篇小說《傳奇“老北漂”》獲選第六屆郁達夫小說獎入圍作品。短篇小說《小老板娘兒》、《相逢正是尷尬時》入選《一代飛鴻》、《握住與甩開的“藝術”》入選《人、欲、望》——北美華文作家小說精選、《第四次嫁人》在世界華文新移民愛情小說大賽中獲獎、《擺地攤的安老師》入選《美國華文作家作品百人集》、《父親的選擇》入選《文登作家》。

              訂購冰花詩集February’s Rose信息

冰花詩集February’s Rose ,徐英才翻譯,目前正在預售中。希望大家到出版社網站擁躍訂購。謝謝!

PREPUBLICATION/ADVANCE SALES PERIOD:  Nov. 8, 2021 – Jan. 14, 2022  
RELEASE DATE   Mar. 11, 2022
February’s Rose
By Bing Hua
Translator: Yingcai Xu
$19.99, Full-length, paper


February’s Rose by Bing Hua -Translator: Yingcai Xu:


Providing a Place for Today’s Poets since 1998
Finishing Line Press is an Award-Winning Small Press Publisher
Post Office Box 1626
Georgetown, KY 40324
email: [email protected]

冰花 12-26-2021 11:56

冰花 12-29-2021 10:44

冰花 12-29-2021 19:31

冰花 12-29-2021 19:34

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冰花 12-29-2021 19:39

冰花 01-05-2022 09:55

Rose Lu's poems are simple, natural, concise, full of interest and philosophy. Their themes go deep into life, and deep into the hearts of people, easy to arouse resonance. Their beauty in emotion, beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form are just like colourful roses, thrilling and impressive. ——Cheng Jiahui, a lover of poetry translation and creation, chief editor of new poetry for the Poetry Hall

冰花 01-13-2022 18:04
Hello friends,

Friday, January 14,2022 is the last day you may purchase my February’s Rose on this website as presale period.


After Friday you can still purchase the chapbook, but purchases made after Friday will not count toward my pressrun which is determined according to how many books I sell during the presale period.

Thanks so much to all of you who have given me encouragement in this process, purchased the book, and tolerated these reminder solicitations. I appreciate all of your generosity and grace, especially at this nascent time of my English poetry  "career." I hope you enjoy the poems.

Bing Hua

冰花 01-30-2022 11:29

——芳竹  新西兰华裔艺术家、诗人、资深媒体人

致 诗人 冰花 ( 读 冰花 诗之 感言)

当我喜读冰花的诗《冰花新书-February‘s Rose》,感受到她的每一首诗,都有其 诗 的意境 ! 难能可贵。
意境 是  诗的灵魂 !诗 的灵魂 就是诗人心灵的再现!


31 12 2021  于荷兰王国


——-中国诗人、 评论家  冷慰怀


——中国诗人  彭万里

——-海外著名评论家  陈瑞琳




2015年受邀于美国过程哲学研究中心-中国社会科学院哲学研究所联合主办美国克莱蒙特研究生大学(Claremont Graduate University)“世界过程哲学论坛”。




冰花 02-13-2022 07:09
February’s Rose  Author's biography

Bing Hua

       Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of Poetry Hall.  She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world”, and her poetic style is called the “Bing Hua Style”. Her poems are so influential that they are considered “Bing Hua Phenomenon”.

      She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include February’s Rose (2022), Selected Poems of Bing Hua, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019/2020, This is Love (2013), and Roses by the Stream with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry (2021), Best Overseas Chinese Poetry (2021), Penetrating Time and Space——A Poetry Group of William Marr(2022). Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the “Belief in Love” Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. She was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network in 2016. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017, and was a Pushcart Prize nominee in 2015 and 2021.

Yingcai Xu

       Yingcai Xu is a teacher, poet, translator, the president of the Chinese Poetry Association and the Editor-in-Chief of POETRY HALL. He has taught classical and modern Chinese languages, classical and modern Chinese literature, Chinese cinema, Chinese calligraphy (theory and practice), and translation. Yingcai Xu once went to teach at McMaster University, Canada and took Canadian literature courses there. Later, he came to DePaul University, USA to study English and American literature. There Yingcai Xu established the university's Chinese program. He has about a dozen translation books published. Some of these books have become government gifts and some university teaching materials. In translation, he established a three-word principle for himself: accuracy, individuality, and cohesion. While trying to achieve an accurate rendering of the original text, he pursues the original spirit and a translation highly acceptable by mother-tongue readers. Besides, he has edited and co-edited a dozen translation books. Yingcai Xu is also a poet. His poetry publications include Poetic South, Inspiration from Nature, We Are Here Painting, 100 Three-line Poems by Yingcai Xu, Poems by Yingcai. He is now preparing to have a collection of haikus published. His poetic philosophy is: To use simple, appealing, and imagination-evoking language to create vivid and poetic-sense-infused poems that come directly from the heart and the physical world and create a lasting and glittering effect of artistic conception.

冰花 02-16-2022 08:20
reviews for February’s Rose by Bing Hua -Translator: Yingcai Xu

Rated 5 out of 5
Ying – November 13, 2021

Beautiful poems full of love and Feelings

Rated 5 out of 5
ZHANG Qiong – November 13, 2021

Bing Hua ‘s Poems: The emotion is conveyed in sincere words and realised by an exquisite heart, which is touching my soul.


by Her ‘s inspiration is clearly derived from nature. She always uses different natural elements in simple yet powerful images. Her poems has won the Gold award in the world-wide poem contest, and the Award in World Congress of Poets. and By Bing Hua (Rose Lu), Chinese-American, Famous Poetess. She is the author of THIS IS LOVE, and ROSES BY THE STREAM. Her poems are beautiful, fluent and pure.

Rated 5 out of 5
Sharnette Gonzalez – November 18, 2021

Beautiful book full of poems to fill your heart with love and joy

Rated 5 out of 5
Jerry – November 25, 2021

Lovely, beautiful poems that connects with the readers in an indescribable way. So much love and heart were poured into these with great meaning and feeling.

Rated 5 out of 5
Jessica – November 25, 2021

Immense joy and sincerity. I had a wonderful experience while reading these poems.

Rated 5 out of 5
Joseph Spring – December 8, 2021

Binghua’s poems, with pure language, concise rhetoric and rich imagery, have exhibited to readers her truest feelings about life and love, and created a refreshing poetic representation of the world, thus winning herself great popularity and positive response among both Chinese and English readers.

—Joseph Spring, Editor of Poetry Hall

Rated 5 out of 5
Dr. Lan Jiang – December 8, 2021

With this masterfully crafted collection of poems, Bing Hua delivers luminous, art-inspired poems that expertly balance the concepts of nature and the human struggle. Many of these free-verse poems have a delicate blend of words and symbolism that evokes an imagery of reigning gracefully in the sky. Februry’s Rose is for those romantic souls who always strive for unconditional love and happiness in their lives. Open your heart and fall in love with these entrancing poems. Curl up with this magnificent poetry book and join the ravenous readers who have been captured by the magic of radiating beauty and strength.

–Dr. Lan Jiang, the author of A History of Western Appreciation of English-translated Tang Poetry

Rated 5 out of 5
East Sea Fairy – December 8, 2021

Binghua is an magic-making poetess who uses poetic words and smartly sparkling images to string life scenes as pearls into extraordinary necklaces. Be it love or friendship themed, each and every of her refined poems has a sort of spirit-purifying force that charms readers with a superficiality-free beauty.

______East Sea Fairy

Rated 5 out of 5
Lily Li – December 10, 2021

1)Bing Hua is a queen of love poetry. Her poems remind me great poet Tagore. Bing Hua views the world with eyes of lover. She sees the world with warm feelings, generous emotion and profund love, no matter a grass or a flower, morning or everning, like Tagore’s style.
2)Who says love is far away, love is in the wind, Bing Hua brings it to you. Who says poem is far away, poem is in the heart, Bing Hua hands out to your heart!
3)Bing Hua’s poetry are filled with wisdom and soul, warm and bright. I once asked her with curiosity, how she can write so many love poems, her reply deeply moved me. “dear friend,I have to answer you sincerely, every poem is written with my life and soul, every poem is part of my virtue practice, a sort of sublimation of feeling and spirit. My poetry is my creative crystallization, and extension of my life” Wow!this is the secret,the authentic and golden words,and this is why Bing Hua‘s poetry are so touching and moving.

1,冰花 ,真是情诗皇后!她是以情人之眼看世界!一草一物,一朝一夕,在诗人眼里都是脉脉含情,款款深情,灼灼厚爱。使人不由得想起泰戈尔之风骨。


3,冰花的诗是智灵之诗!首首充满了明媚和温暖。我好奇地问她是怎么写出来的,她的回答令人动容。“好朋友问,我只好说真话了。俺的每首都是以生命与灵魂写出来的。每首诗都是自身的修行、情感与精神的提升!我的诗是我生命的延伸与晶体” !啊!这就是秘密,是真言和金言。这就是为什么冰花的诗打动人心触动灵魂的原因啊!

Rated 5 out of 5
Rick Tornello – December 13, 2021

These are poems my mother would like and I have to frame my comments in such a manner as to promote that aspect. Specifically I believe your audience feels something missing in their lives such as lost loves, unrequited love things like that, and maybe misses the youth that allowed these feelings to blossom. Since you have a wide audience I believe it resonates rather well with them. You hit the nail on the head.

Rated 5 out of 5
Shi Qunliang – December 26, 2021

Bing Hua is the angel of love. she has formed a well-accepted style of her own — “the Bing Hua Style” . The “Bing Hua Phenomenon” has brought a gush of pleasant spring wind to the quiet and still Chinese poetic field. —— Shi Qunliang

Rated 5 out of 5
Liu Huangtian – January 2, 2022

Bing Hua belongs to the group of poets who set their minds to writing about LOVE as universally assumed; she is an “angel” whose poems strike a chord with as many affectionate hearts far and wide.

In sum, Bing Hua is an accomplished poet with her own unique aesthetic pursuit; she’s been on a lonesome trudge with a lot more hardships than the throngs of online-poets ever know,is a rose that blooms alone in the time of moribund poetry writing. What a surprising miracle!

Liu Huangtian,famous writer,Chairman of Chinese Literature & Art Association in America

Rated 5 out of 5
Lei Rao (verified owner) – February 16, 2022

Bing Hua’s poem is the music of love. Her joy, willingness, sadness, and struggles are the notes of the melody.

Lei Rao is the author of the poetry anthologies (Chinese Edition): A Long Voyage, Ribbon of the Evening Breeze, Reincarnation, and Five-petal Lilacs.

冰花 02-20-2022 09:41




冰花 02-27-2022 11:25
目前我期望的是,通过英译,让冰花的诗能传到世界上更多诗词爱好者的手中, 同时也期望他们会像众多华语读者那样喜爱冰花的诗。我个人也希望今后能和更多的华人诗人和作家合作,把他们的杰作介绍给不同文化的更多读者。
At present, my big concern is that these translated poems will actually reach the poetry-lovers of the world, and that they, too, will enjoy these poems with just as much fondness as the Chinese readers do.
______Wang Dajian,  Tranlator of Roses by the Stream(2019)

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