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主题 : 最佳的购买( Best Buy)
阿平 离线
级别: 论坛版主

楼主  发表于: 2005-09-10   

最佳的购买( Best Buy)

最佳的购买( Best Buy)

儿子们周五放学回家就给我打来电话,问我周六可否开车带他们去 Best Buy. 我说我可以安排一下,我决定周六不上班,带孩子们去那家商店.我又问,你们去那要买啥呢?孩子们兴奋的说,他们在Best Buy的网页上找到$90优惠券. 比网上买东西还更便宜.

却不知道, 商店方面坚持说这个优惠已经过期,虽然纸张上明明写着9-10-05

在商店里逗留了快一个小时, 我很奇怪孩子们的坚持,我好几次叫走,他们都不肯.我想这绝对不是单为省几个小钱而做的努力,而是他们对心目中的原则问题的坚持. 因为在大陆的时候,俺儿子见到乞丐, 他拿着十块钱就给了. 在北京王府井我们边吃边走着的时候,也有乞丐伸手过来,我儿子也是把自已手中刚买到的包子递出去了.还有,俺儿子在大陆根本就不许我跟小商人们杀价钱的,还说人家做生意好难赚钱.

店里的经理也表现出极大的耐心,非常的好脾气,借出电话给我们使用,以便让我的儿子们跟公司总部讨价还价. 孩子们电话里跟总公司讨论的时候,经理陪着我聊了好一会天,他还赞扬我的儿子们懂得跟人商讨问题.


晚饭时候,儿子又说,明天要去JCPenny干吗干吗,哇哈, 别吓我.


Best Buy

After hearing so many success stories of people getting free RAM from Best Buy by using a $90 off coupon, I decided to give it a try before the deal ended. So, I decided to go with my mom and brother on Saturday, which is the last day of the deal and the only possible day to visit the store. I brought along 4 coupons with the intention of using each coupon to get some RAM. After my mom drove for about 30 minutes, we finally reached the store, and I hoped that something would come out of this trip.

First thing after entering the store, I had to make sure that there was actually some RAM in the store, because I didn't want to start arguing over the coupon for nothing. After seeing a stockpile of RAM, I went to one of the employees to ask about the validity of the coupon, and the guy said that it was no longer valid. I started calling on the phone to speak with one of the representatives at the corporate headquarters, and the representative said it was valid. With the corporate person backing me up, I let him talk with the store manager. We waited for a while, and after the manager was done talking to the representative, the manager said he wouldn't give us free RAM. Instead, he offered us a 20% discount off any item, which still isn't the deal we came for. My brother talked to the same person on the phone, and he ended up with an offer of a $90 gift card in exchange for purchasing RAM that is worth about $90. We weighted our choices and still couldn't decide yet.

I called the same number again, and this time, I got a person that told me I had to purchase a computer in order to use the coupon. That was the original purpose of the coupon, but many people have been able to use it without buying a new computer and I didn't come here to get a computer. I decided to call for a third time, and I get a response of not needing to purchase a computer, and I talk to the guy about the $90 gift card offer that the first representative talked about. I really didn't want to purchase $90 worth of stuff and then get back a $90 gift card, so I asked the person to talk to the store manager about him giving us the $90 gift card right now. After talking on the phone, again, the store manager wouldn't give us a $90 gift card, since he isn't forced to. Getting tired of all this talking, he gave us an offer of a 40% off discount and left us to think about it. We waited there to think about it for a few minutes and finally decided.

We were going to take his offer of 40% off, since that offer beats any price, anywhere. We bought the RAM for $35 and finally left the store after 45 minutes of waiting, talking, and drying our mouthes. While we didn't get the deal we were originally trying to get, we still got a good deal. Back at home, during dinner, I told my mom about a free T-shirt coupon for JCPenny that we could use tomorrow, and she gave that tired look on her face and quickly said that she didn't want to argue with a manager again. I assured her that there will be no problems with this coupon, but I bet that she doesn't believe me after I gave her the assumption that it would be very easy to take a lot of free RAM today.







六六 离线
级别: 论坛版主

沙发  发表于: 2005-09-10   
一手臭牌 离线
级别: 论坛版主

板凳  发表于: 2005-09-11   


wenwendywen 离线
级别: 论坛版主
地板  发表于: 2008-11-12   

very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it is nice to read all these great articles again!!!!

jiangwenxiao 离线
级别: 军区司令员
地下室  发表于: 2009-10-28   
呵呵 慢慢适应吧 
renée 离线
级别: 论坛版主
5楼  发表于: 2009-10-29   
jiangwenxiao 离线
级别: 军区司令员
6楼  发表于: 2009-11-03   
最新的这个也看过了 期待。。。
潇潇萱萱 离线
级别: 营长
7楼  发表于: 2009-12-27   
during dinner, I told my mom about a free T-shirt coupon for JCPenny that we could use tomorrow, and she gave that tired look on her face and quickly said that she didn't want to argue with a manager again. I assured her that there will be no problems with this coupon, but I bet that she doesn't believe me after I gave her the assumption that it would be very easy to take a lot of free RAM today.


3 * 6 = ? 正确答案:18