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冰花 08-20-2009 20:53

七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!!



朗诵: 藤蝉

失踪 一秋又一冬的枯黄
张扬 一春又一夏的浓绿








冰花 08-20-2009 20:56
请老大、卡拉帮忙上一下, 我不会在这里上MV, 多谢啦!


jasmine 08-20-2009 21:27

冰花 08-21-2009 14:23
jasmine  真是好筒子! 谢谢! [s:90]  [s:90]  [s:77]  [s:77]  [s:77]


冰花 08-26-2009 18:24
又一"七夕"呀! 今天才真是"七夕''! 顶上来~~~

fx5151 08-27-2009 02:35
引用第2楼jasmine于08-20-2009 21:27发表的 老大们都忙, 我帮你贴了。。。 :

希望能再贴到 YOUKU .我们这上不了YOUTUBE.

冰花 08-27-2009 20:25
fx5151, 很久不见, 你还好吗?


MM你看不了YOUTUBE吗? 可我也不会上呀, 这样吧, 给你我新浪的LINK, 你应该能看新浪的:



引用第5楼fx5151于08-27-2009 02:35发表的 Re:老大们都忙, 我帮你贴了。。。 :

希望能再贴到 YOUKU .我们这上不了YOUTUBE.

清心 08-28-2009 12:30
谢谢冰花分享,诗好,朗诵的也非常好,是fx5151 朗诵的吗 [s:99]

冰花 08-28-2009 19:25
哈, 俺是爱回娘家显摆, , 但俺确实很耐你们滴~~~

<七夕>是藤蝉朗诵的, fx5151 朗诵的是<荷的心事>和<五月的花>, 一会找出来给你啊!


引用第7楼看房事于08-28-2009 12:30发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :
谢谢冰花分享,诗好,朗诵的也非常好,是fx5151 朗诵的吗

冰花 08-28-2009 19:27
找到了, 在这里:

诗朗诵 荷的心事 五月的花 冰花 fx5151 轻轻一点


引用第7楼看房事于08-28-2009 12:30发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :
谢谢冰花分享,诗好,朗诵的也非常好,是fx5151 朗诵的吗

fx5151 08-28-2009 21:28
引用第6楼冰花于08-27-2009 20:25发表的 Re:Re:老大们都忙, 我帮你贴了。。。 :
fx5151, 很久不见, 你还好吗?


MM你看不了YOUTUBE吗? 可我也不会上呀, 这样吧, 给你我新浪的LINK, 你应该能看新浪的:



柳牛牛 08-28-2009 23:10
俺们这里看不到YouTube [s:94] 新浪上的也看不到 [s:95]

冰花 08-29-2009 08:22

你的声音很甜美青春, 我和我的朋友们都很喜爱, 等你有空时, 我们再多合作哦, 期待你的更多朗诵, 我一般有新作都会放在新浪和这里, 到时我们可以短信和E联系喔!


引用第10楼fx5151于08-28-2009 21:28发表的 Re:Re:Re:老大们都忙, 我帮你贴了。。。 :



冰花 08-29-2009 08:28
多谢你感兴趣呀! 那你在哪儿呀? 海外?

那你应该能看文学城的, 给你两个LINKS, 你试试看:





引用第11楼柳牛牛于08-28-2009 23:10发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :
俺们这里看不到YouTube 新浪上的也看不到

柳牛牛 08-29-2009 08:33
俺在国内,刚给两个链接也试过,还是不行 [s:94]

冰花 08-29-2009 08:39

On the 7th of July
(The Valentine''s Day)

loveSophie ZYZY/英

On the 7th of July
(The Valentine''s Day)

Vanished – an autumn of golden yellow and a winter of withered gray
Flaunted – a spring of vivid green and a summer of blooming emerald

If tonight
You could not come to the Magpie Bridge
My tears would convey a sail
Drifting into your harbor

If tonight
You could not come to my dream
My love would unleash the stars
Emitting the special pass

Love you, love me
Love is neither to give
Nor to demand
By the Magpie Bridge
Me on one side
And you on the other

At the night of the 7th of July
Your eyes meet mine
Let the tears in my palms
Hold the rose in your hands

Moonlight pours like water
Immersed in the galaxy the stars never sleep
We do have love for each other
But not in the chamber of this worldly place

引用第0楼冰花于08-20-2009 20:53发表的 七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :


冰花 08-29-2009 08:45
牛牛在呀, 再试试下边的:

引用第11楼柳牛牛于08-28-2009 23:10发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :
俺们这里看不到YouTube 新浪上的也看不到

冰花 08-29-2009 09:19
又给你一个LINK, 再试试看!

引用第14楼柳牛牛于08-29-2009 08:33发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :

柳牛牛 08-29-2009 09:45



冰花 08-30-2009 09:14
是你心诚呀! 看到了就好!



引用第18楼柳牛牛于08-29-2009 09:45发表的 Re:七夕 (诗朗诵-MV/YOUTUBE)  祝"七夕"快乐!! :



冰花 08-30-2009 09:16


一滴泪、一颗心、一盏灯,一朵冰花、一封情信、一柄荷花、一枝冰激凌,五月的花、十月的感动、岁末的一天,甚而是几个标点符号,在冰花的神来笔下,都有诗。如果说,《小巷》里因为有“一双明眸在巷的另一头 / 七月滚烫”,所以,在小巷的墙上又“多了一段美丽的诗行”的话,那么,我们说,因为“冰花”有丰富多彩的人生经历,所以,在当今的诗坛上又多了许多美丽的诗行也不为过。一如其名,冰花的爱情诗是一朵朵充满真情和爱心的晶茔洁白的冰花,至情至性,莫此为甚。



诗人的观察力是敏锐的,冰花的爱情诗就很少谈“钱”,而多用心灵的窗户——眼睛和发自肺腑的心声。《小巷》里就有“一双明眸在巷的另一头七月般滚烫”,教人读后刻骨铭心。《七夕》更有从春夏到秋冬、由浓绿到枯黄的渴望,这是一种怎么望眼欲穿的等待呀!你不来,我就用泪水载着风帆,“驶入你的港湾”。这里一年四季的“盼等”,这里泪载风帆的“找寻”,所用的都是“眼睛”;你不入梦,我就用爱“放飞星星 / 送去特许的通行证”。所谓“日有所思”,才有“夜有所梦”呢!这里的“入梦”,所用的倒是“心声”。这《七夕》里蕴含着的这种爱也是够真挚、够深沉的了。“不需要给予 / 也不需要索取”更显这爱情的甜蜜和高尚!

“七夕的夜里 / 你与我的目光相遇”“手中的泪水 / 紧握你手中的玫瑰”“月光如水 / 星星沉浸在银河里不睡”。呵呵,连着这古老的神话,唱着这押韵的走笔,踏着这欢乐的节奏,在这团圆朗月的映照下,沐浴着这月光如水,是的,这爱情“不在俗世的屋内”。像这样不同凡响的爱情诗,作者在写的时候和读者在读的时候,均不能不为之陶醉!学习了。谢谢。

nannoppf 10-28-2010 13:43
From across the country, general manager of the Olympic Garden, Good morning! First, I very sincerely thank all of you in my office in the body of the Olympic Park Management Group CEO in a year's time to work on my support and help. Today is 2008 on November 29, immediately to the end of the year, coincided with the opening of the 10th anniversary of China's 住交会 our training base in the Development and Reform Commission held a \Looking ahead to 2009 trends, the future objectives of promoting the harmonious development of the Olympic Garden. In the past year, with around the Olympic Garden Olympic Garden, general manager of the meticulous care and nurture the brand, that makes the banner of the brand even stronger. Here, I represent the body of the Olympic Park Management Group, our colleagues express my heartfelt thanks to you! 2008, due to the global financial crisis and double the national impact of macro-control policies, the Olympic Garden, a few years ago slowed the development of relative speed the development of a total of 7 new projects, including Shanghai Fengxian Olympic Garden, Jiujiang Olympic Garden, Linyi Olympic Garden, Sanshui Olympic Garden, Kunming Olympic Garden, Wujin Austria Austria Plaza Square and Changsha. nearly 10 years of development, the Olympic Garden has covered 21 provinces and 4 municipalities, a total of 56 projects. In 2008, we jointly review the history of the Olympic Garden walk and looking forward to 2009, when the prospects for development, I think it is necessary to know about the current domestic and international economic situation is .2008, with the international financial crisis sweeping the world, international and domestic consumer demand has dropped significantly. The current impact factor of the real estate market confidence has been the industry level from the beginning of a simple, rapid, large-scale expansion to the macroeconomic level. and 97 The difference is that the Asian financial crisis, this is the global financial crisis, the birthplace of the world's most wealthy Wall Street, once regarded as the most sound financial system to the United States is now the edge of collapse, which directly of the world's demand for Chinese products. export trade fell rapidly transmitted to the processing industry, and has been conducted to raw materials,shenzhen escort, energy, services and other industries. And when a problem of employment and survival, the inevitable demand for a house to a back seat the. the current real estate market, has been with the worldwide financial and macroeconomic issues closely related to the .20 century's greatest logician and mathematician Godel has said such a sentence: \can not create these problems in our level of thinking to solve. \Mr. Song Hongbing of us tonight to talk about international and domestic financial situation and other issues, to broaden thinking and innovation to survive. Premier Wen Jiabao recently in Zhejiang, and Shanghai to study, said that the face of the current international financial crisis to \like three days \new development, the enterprise must strengthen the independent innovation, optimize product structure, so that no one I have, I have gifted, gifted people I've changed; should pay attention to new markets, capture new opportunities; to strengthen management, consciously guard against risks to minimize adverse effects. In fact, the long-term economic and social development from the point of view, every crisis is a survival of the fittest in the selection process, the crisis often have new opportunities. resilient enterprises, not only in time according to market situation adjust the pace and direction of change, and in response to the crisis to improve their overall quality, and enhance market competitiveness and risk-resisting ability, and seek new and greater development. Here I am from the project development, project services, brand promotion, technical services, etc. four aspects of the Olympic Garden in 2008 a brief review of the work. A, actively carry out the project to expand the work of sound; 2008,shenzhen massage, the Management Group of the Shanghai Fengxian, Jiangsu, Changzhou, Wujin, Suzhou, Lianyungang, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Foshan, Sanshui, Xiamen, Fujian, Shandong Linyi, Beidaihe, Hebei, Hunan, Changsha, Zhuzhou, Sanya, Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot, and other cities of the study and negotiations. the development of the Shanghai Fengxian, Jiujiang,guangzhou escort, Sanshui, Linyi, Kunming, Olympic Garden, Plaza, Wujin, and Changsha in Austria Olympic Plaza 7 projects, including Fengxian, Jiujiang, Linyi, Sanshui, Kunming, Wujin and other projects have been launched, while Sanya, Jinan, Heze, Taiyuan, Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Hohhot, Zhuzhou and other projects still in close contact . Second, to strengthen support for the project company, vigorously promote the \manual, clear the \, further strengthening the company's internal control, external control work. and in accordance with job requirements, the project company to follow up the implementation of the annual inspection. This year, the Management Group in accordance with the \in-depth services, such as: orientation seminar held in the new project, the design review meeting, the marketing plan will be, etc.; to assist with the 2008 Olympic Games held in relevant projects related to brand marketing activities. The work on the construction of the Olympic Garden and played a very good forward sales effect. In addition, the management group in the body of the resources used during the Olympics, for all projects in a large number of tickets for services to address the urgent needs of the relevant projects. Third, make full use of advantages of the Olympic year, increase brand awareness efforts in the 2008 Management Group to enhance advocacy work to consolidate the Olympic Garden brands, in recent years, adequate and reasonable use of the brand management group, service charges, more than half of which brand of propaganda for the Olympic Garden, project support, and turned over to the Chinese Olympic Committee, so that Olympic Garden brand awareness quickly upgrade the speed of development that the industry speechless. This year, the combined effect of the Olympic Games, the management group is to increase the brand awareness efforts. mainly includes the following two aspects: brand awareness, the 2008 Olympic Park Management Group in the body In the brand \. including the title \stage performances, the central set during the National Day, three sets of prime time broadcast, the construction of the Olympic Garden, played a good idea to promote the role; naming November 10, 2008 - 16 held in Sanya, Hainan's 2008 SWATCH Olympic Beach Volleyball World Tour Sanya Open Garden Cup, she is an international movement in the top beach volleyball event in Sanya city government and the strong support and Sanya in the Austrian property investment company's efforts, \Olympic Garden Tour Sanya station Cup \International Olympic Committee, the 29th Olympic Games Organizing Committee, the Chinese Olympic Committee and jointly organized by China Post Group Corporation, the largest in Olympic history, the widest range and highest level in an international cultural event; May 12 Sichuan earthquake occurred the next day, the management group active part \\effect. publicity management, continue to strictly enforce the \Linyi, Xi'an, etc.) illegal propaganda, will be the 2008 Olympic Organizing Committee's approval and support, and further promote a unified concept. Fourth, continue to promote the work of technical services, increase project support technical services in 2008 highlighted the low priority procurement platform, design platform, cost control platform, Real Estate Institute of the building. behind me focus on the development of 2009, speech, technical services as the next step will be the top priority of .1, procurement platform: Group The role of the procurement platform for the more realistic, more purpose, the Olympic Garden is the material used by vendor name, product type, performance, parameters, quantity, price, etc. and the filing, determine the supporting vendor selection criteria , the basic completion of the procurement process the selection of suppliers; these are around the Olympic Park Development Corporation will provide timely, accurate and efficient resource procurement information services. in the maintenance, including Gree Electric Appliances, Emerson, Mo Luoni, TOTO, Oriental Yuhong, Yong-source heat pump, Hui Creaton, Nart Group, Kone Elevator, Lafarge Roofing, Schneider Electric, China Construction Aluminum, conch profile strategic partners such as the original, while developing new strategic partnership , introduced by industry peers and industry associations recommended, and market understanding of the situation, the proposed increase, including \Group, Guangzhou Lang ran art design, Ming source software, when Paul Ya fitness equipment, property management, Shenzhen Great Wall \representatives of the project, summarize the successful design cases, preparations for an Olympic Garden product standards, the formation of a standardized product design system for the Olympic Garden, the basic idea is: with the implementation of green building strategies, refined products, the Olympic Garden, the essence of years of sedimentation, the formation is useful to improve the Olympics garden products, product quality standards. In addition, the Olympic Garden Landscape Design Standards are the pipeline system, the design standards will greatly enhance the product recognizable Olympic Garden, a strong brand to promote to promote the Olympic Garden. 3, cost control Platform: actively seeking to serve the Group under the project company and the holding company of the best project control tools. In the \, responsible departments of the authority to set the target to determine the cost of the contract is entered into the implementation and analysis of financial subjects setting, cash flow and statements of management, etc., has been basically formed a dynamic and efficient cost control management system. 4, real estate Institute: 08 National Olympic Garden has held a marketing meeting, the special task of building waterproof Olympic Garden Olympic Garden marketing meetings and special meetings. Olympic Garden Marketing Conference participants reached number 75 on the 2008 Olympic marketing for Garden the plans and arrangements for the promotion of the Olympic marketing has played in a good guide. Olympic Garden waterproof special work session following the 2007 \activities. a total of 31 involved in the construction of the Olympic Garden in the meeting, to enhance the quality of the Olympic garden building played a good role. the face of the recent real estate situation, Olympic Garden, held last month, marketing special meeting and invite the Chinese real estate industry experts Vice President of Research and residential 顾云昌, Professor of Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University, Director of Real Estate Research Center, Dong Fan macro policies such as the most current trends and real estate trends in full communication and exchange, and share good sales marketing strategy related projects, the full recognition by the participants. difficulties will soon be over in 2008, unpredictable and full of opportunities coming in 2009. Now I talk about Olympic Garden in 2009 the three key brand development. First, build strong brands, strong brand influence to improve. In the current increasingly competitive market environment, enhance brand impact and product sales to achieve the most effective means of value-added. lack of brand power products does not guarantee sales, the same , not to mention no sales support is also a good brand. Therefore, only build strong brands, strong increase brand influence, can really enhance product value, which is what we call value-added products. In the process of global integration, strong brand is the vision into the people and continue to consume it. a strong brand means that the value of commitment,guangzhou massage, it is always concerned about the customers become loyal customers and to consumers and disseminators of the brand. For this reason, a strong brand rate of return are generally more high profits even more. However, in today's China, it still takes time to build strong brands, only when the consumer's view of the gradual formation of a rational consumer, corporate brand influence will be given to reflect the added value of the product itself, especially in The current weakness, the brand should give consumers more confidence, rather than pushed to the cards. Vanke happened some time ago because of price cuts led to the sales office in Hangzhou smashed events we recognize that as the Chinese leader's house Vanke Real Estate Company has not become a strong brand. For years I have been thinking has been doing this work: creating a perfect, have a voice in the industry, there are social reputation and social influence, and able to joint venture provides great appreciation of space, a strong brand! 2009, in the increasingly grim international economic situation and domestic economic recovery are still to the double attack, many small and medium real estate companies in China will be a year of life and death . But this is precisely also gives us a tremendous opportunity for development! for brands will be to keep these enterprises and the pursuit of sustainable development the primary goal, the Olympic Garden brand promotion model is perfectly consistent with these small and medium enterprises development. The combination of the brand with the Olympic Garden, not only can make them out of the woods as soon as possible, but also allows us to more quickly increase the pace of the layout. So for us in 2009 will be a golden opportunity of the year! We must strengthen our confidence , from a strategic height and establish a scientific outlook on development, with an open mind, a good work ethic, acceptance of various opinions and suggestions, to promote the Olympic Garden, brand development and prosperity. Second, take advantage of the current real estate development turning point, integration of resources, strengthening the foundation repair,shenzhen massage, the further development of the Olympic Garden and lay a good foundation. Management Group will fully listen to opinions and suggestions of various purposes, from a strategic, business, information, cost, human resources and financial and other six communicate the project level, direction and management. strategy, we will project decision, project control, corporate governance aspects,Alliance is the best way to do against the boss, in order to improve the accuracy of the project location, so that the advanced nature of the overall program, applicability, to avoid the strategic level errors, improve the corporate governance program to strengthen the control; business, including design, engineering and marketing; by summing up the past to guide the future, we will increase support for project design, so the design of the economy, the applicability of advanced improve the project management system to ensure that no major quality, safety accident, and strictly implement the marketing system of public hearings, a definite purpose; information, we will fully collect the strategic level, management level, operational level and other aspects of information, building information on the Olympic Garden library and carry out the purpose of logistics services; costs, we will focus on the design, engineering, material procurement to start, improve the management system of bidding and do full static and dynamic management; human resources, including recruitment, training, assessment, pay, personnel exchanges and other work, we will focus on improving the property of Olympic College Garden,shenzhen escort, training soldiers, the power savings for the next phase of development and the establishment of high-level personnel exchange system; finance, industry groups according to the requirements of the body, improve the key financial management system and strengthen supervision. Third, create the Olympic Garden, .10 core competitiveness of the brand in January, based on business and project management group needs to adjust its organizational structure,guangzhou massage, established a technical service center for the brand. brand the main functions of the Technical Service Center is the perfect platform for cost control, bidding and purchasing platform and design platform for the project to provide comprehensive, accurate and scientific service, the work will be to enhance the core competitiveness of the Olympic Garden, a powerful booster. Cost control platform for the project cost , control costs, guarantee the same quality and strive to maximize profits under cost control is the main direction of the work platform. Cost control will be in two ways, namely, source control and process control, are indispensable, so that we will two aspects to create platform: 1. the source of the target cost control: the group projects and related projects based on existing data, estimate the cost of developing the regional template that will be adjusted and updated regularly. This template can be used as the estimated cost of the project company important basis for the cost of setting goals. 2. the process of cost control: the Group will gradually extend the project in holding \control of the open, just and fair, its greater significance is that it can effectively monitor and ensure the realization of the target cost, or minimize the cost of the offset relative to the target, very significant, this will also be important next step of our group in the heavy work! bidding and purchasing platform for strategic sourcing partner by the Group with the project company's special two-part bidding. for the content of these two parts, our work will focus on how the Group's strategic sourcing partners to carry out and how to guide the landing The special project company bidding to start. all the groups strategic sourcing partners is not limited to product sourcing content itself, but will actively participate in the project's preliminary planning, design and development process, which guarantee product quality and the cost will have a greatly reduced role in promoting. Design Platform for Olympic Garden branding strategy will play a crucial supporting role. We will begin the design platform four structures: 1. focus on the characteristics of a Olympic Garden architectural symbols of the R & D and design work, these have the characteristics of architectural symbols and architecture, environment, integration of organic garden, the real Olympic Garden to create a brand image of .2. to modify and improve the existing design specifications and design guidelines Olympic Garden Sports City features optimized design, enhance operability, to guide the project company to play a real plan, the role of design .3. speed up the research and development of green building. green, energy saving, environmental protection, health will be the next room trends in real estate development, while the body's own Olympic Garden spiritual, cultural connotation is precisely contain the above content, create the Olympic Garden, green building will be a direct target brand, our aim is to strive to project all future Olympic Garden Holdings all into a green building, for which we will not only lose their own research work, will also increase and the National Federation of the Green Building Council and other green building efforts of organizations and depth, as soon as possible the characteristics of Olympic Garden have green building standards .4. the Olympics for the elderly, the Olympic building apartments and other new forms of research and development work for the Group to create the conditions to open up new areas. Information Platform: With the changing economic situation at home and abroad, the real estate market is increasingly competitive. so keep abreast of economic trends, accurately grasp the real estate development trends, as the Olympic Garden consolidate the status of complex real estate leader in an important part In 2009 management group effort to build the Olympic Garden will be the information platform for the Olympic Garden project company to provide comprehensive, timely, depth and accurate service information. include: 1. macroeconomic trends affecting the real estate information and policy information and comment on the above information, a senior; Olympic Garden coping strategies for the market and proposed changes in .2. the national land market, real-time tracking information, and the key layout of the Olympic Garden area of the land auction and information; national real estate sales market, real-time tracking information, and the key layout of the Olympic Garden, regional sales tracking information .3. Olympic Garden strategic partner product types, product prices and related service information ; around the Olympic Garden design, image design and related design information; around the experience of successful management of Olympic Gardens, marketing strategies and other information; Olympic Garden Real Estate Institute of experience sharing the results of information .4. influential brand of national development trend of developers,guangzhou escort, trends in capital operation and product marketing strategies and other dynamic information; Olympic Garden the exchange of experience with other brand developers outcome information. Cost control platform, bidding and purchasing platform, design platform, information platform with the project company through communication and exchanges, and fully listen to you The recommendations, improve the work system, and vigorously strengthen technical services initiative. We will multi-channel, 多方面 released to you in a timely manner and the presentation of new research results and new technical standards; requested and invited to volunteer to participate in the strategic partnership to all pre-planning and design of the project were to work for the project to provide comprehensive research and development services; according to the progress of the project the key nodes of time, regular basis to provide services and assistance projects. 2008 will soon be over, as the \and healthy life \more extensive and more comprehensive identity and development, where very grateful to all of you for our support and trust, thank you!

冰花 08-08-2016 16:15

冰花 08-10-2016 16:53

冰花 07-01-2020 05:38

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