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清心 03-06-2007 09:55


话还得从我们拿到绿卡说起。这头一天晚上收到绿卡,第二天,花了一天半宿的时间定了全家的机票。准备回国3个星期。记得六六的一篇文章里提到,有人给她打电话,问她干什么泥,她说找便宜机票呢,过了几个小时问她干什么泥,她回答说,还在找便宜机票呢。当时没有太大感触,以为买机票的事离我还远着呢。现在,我本着货比六家的原则,打week day 和 weekend 的时间差,终于定到比较满意的价格。反正我的时间不如六六的时间值钱。又离题千里啦。

定了机票,就想早点告诉小女儿daycare 的 nana. 因为拿到绿卡之后,劳工也许要有一些工作变动,妈说要帮我们带小女儿一年,我们确实没有定下来,是否一定把她留在国内一年,但还是有这个可能,就想告诉nana ,不用给她留位置. 万一不回来,怕她有损失。如果女儿回来,我会第一个问她。她当时就有点激动,说会永远给她留着位置。我以为她是跟我女儿在一起一年多了,有感情才这样说的。可今天收到她发给我劳工的一封E-mail,让我看了,热泪盈眶,拿来跟大家分享。


Now, don't get mad at me but I bought a few warmer clothes for Phoebe's trip to China as I know it is cold there.  I have a request for you and Susan, I would be more than happy to care for your daughter free of charge until you decide what you are going to do for the future. It would make me happy and something I can do for cancer research.  PLEASE, let me do this for you and my Phoebe?  We can discuss more lately, if you like.  Most Sincerely。


Thank you, Stephania,

I heard it from Susan also, we are so touched and we are so glad to have a friend like you and we thank God, because before we find a daycare for Phoebe, we prayed a lot as well as our brothers and sisters at our church, and God listen to our prayers, we found you!

We won't let you to care Phoebe for free, we must pay!  Because we are short of nothing!
And we already decide not put Phoebe in China, we will be together wherever we go!
We appreciate your offer, but we can not take it. It's too much!
But we would be very glad if you would keep Phoebe's position for us!

Again, we thank you very much! We feel warm, we feel happy, and that’s enough for us!



O thank you Jesus as I was worried all weekend for you two.  I love what we do here w/children which is why it is successful and babies are content. That is my main goal here and for parents not to worry when at work.  Thank you both.  I will be here for whatever you need.

其实我和劳工只是一个癌症研究中心的普通研究人员。Stephania 是一个美国老人,她本人是癌症患者,5年前做过手术。

Phoebe 是我女儿的英文名字。她的中文名字叫清雅。本来以为菲比这个名字对国内的人也比较好记,就没给她起中文名字。可有一天给公公打电话,公公问:比菲怎么样啊?我倒!看样还是得起中文名。

有一天,在教会听牧师讲道,他提到,天国有八福,其中一福就是,清心的人有福了,必得见神。当时就有灵感,要给phoebe 起名带清字,还得有雅字,因为跟博雅体现是姐俩,遂决定叫清雅,取其清心而典雅之意。

Ling1984 03-06-2007 10:52
伊人的心好美!  感恩在我们的周围有这么多无名英雄英雌  不求回报真诚的奉献 
在己身的痛苦中  种植博爱的玫瑰  增艳人性的光辉  谢谢看房事的分享 

lotus 03-06-2007 10:54
感动! [s:90]

Wen Wen 03-06-2007 11:19
[s:90]Thanks Lord. So touched.

I am so glad we could keep our little angle here.

清心 03-07-2007 07:34
谢谢老大给个星,还有 ling, lotus, wenwen 跟我一起感动ing [s:77]

六六 03-07-2007 08:01

renée 03-07-2007 08:15

茶杯 03-07-2007 09:53
very touching......

angela_whz 09-27-2010 03:47

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