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主题 : [原创]你们遇见过这样的老板吗?
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

40楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
到底是你的什末地方, 让他那末不舒服。

找份工不容易, 如果你能和那个赖皮和好, 也许日子就不那末难了。
lotus 离线
级别: 论坛版主

41楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
冰释前嫌怕绝无可能了, 不要对敌人抱幻想。
芸芸 离线
级别: VIP

42楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
芸芸 离线
级别: VIP

43楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

44楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
sit down infront of him.. sincerely ask him " why you treat me like this? tell me pls"
if necessary, give him some tears....

凡事都有因果, 它不可能无缘无故这末折磨你
要杀要剐 还是问明白得好。
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

45楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
你们那 到底有没有种族歧视?
白人至上, 男权主义?
他的态度 必有他的根源, 真的, 你要弄清楚, 也好对症下药呀。

知己知彼, 百战不殆, 你现在连敌人都没看清楚, 这个仗怎末打呢?
lotus 离线
级别: 论坛版主

46楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   


他现在这么做手脚, 一定有阴谋。 你如果能搞到证据, 就留一份底。 他肯定是违法了, 去问懂HR的人, 到底严重到什么程度。 搞清楚了, 你不妨直接跟HR/大老板讲, 一定以受害者找父母官的姿态, 因为以后找工作都要REFERENCE, 关系不能搞僵。 就是走, 也让他们给你一定经济补偿, 至少有失业救济金。
沧桑 离线
级别: 论坛版主

47楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   


lotus 离线
级别: 论坛版主

48楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
沧桑, 对欧洲你比我们都懂, 这个中策, 你就帮忙策划一下吧。
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

49楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
QUOTE (lotus @ Sep 11 2003, 02:50 PM)
沧桑, 对欧洲你比我们都懂。

这种案例, 在美国, 绝对没有云云哭的份, 只有那个癞皮哭爹喊娘的道理。
沧桑 离线
级别: 论坛版主

50楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

51楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
对, 将起罪行公布于众。
To: 大老板/小痞子
cc: 人事部
bcc: 全体同事

今天他能对你下这种毒手, 让其他同志都知道, 明天黑手就会伸到他们头上,

想想两次世界大战 都是怎末挑起来的, 欧洲人, 如果在希特勒刚发芽的时候 掐死他,
lotus 离线
级别: 论坛版主

52楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
书面可能不如口头好, 除非为了备案, 以便日后查寻。 要挨个争取。 

打官司你可能耗不起, 但不能因此让人利用你的弱点。 要做困兽状, 让大老板明白你被逼得凄凄惨惨, 完全可能去打官司了。 欧洲法律体系咱不懂, 美国公司可是最怕员工来打官司, 就是最后赢了都吃不消, 尤其是上市公司或公司正争取大合作项目的时候。
lili 离线
级别: 论坛版主

53楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
我喜欢书面。 口语毕竟不如老外利落, 打嘴仗 占不到优势。

文字, 能把事情讲清楚, 也好给recipients 一个思考的机会。

再说了, 这种事情不做好备案, 有理讲不清呀。

这会儿, 我想起我妈了, 小时候犯错误, 我妈每次说落都是将几年的历史翻出来, 一件一件地讲出来, 一件一件地批判。。。。听的我 头这个大, “她记性怎末这末好呢?”

害得我 从小就学会 “忘掉”一切, 暗暗发誓, 以后决不这末对待自己孩子。
可好, 现在经常和婆婆说的一句话就是 “您记性比我好!”

卡拉 离线
级别: 总版主

54楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
QUOTE (沧桑 @ Sep 11 2003, 02:18 PM)




六六 离线
级别: 论坛版主

55楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
臭孩兒 离线
级别: VIP
56楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   


scubadiver 离线
级别: 营长

57楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
First of all, YunYun, my heart goes out for you. Sometimes an asshole can really ruin one's life ...

I am a deep diver and usually do not comment, however, in this situation, I will offer my two cents....

First of all, what are your alternatives? can you find a job quickly? can you afford to maintain your life style without working for a while? Think it through, it will tell you whether you need to stick around to take shit from this guy. If you do, then swallow your pride and try to be a "team player". If you don't have to stick around, chances are, it almost does not matter what you do. Just make yourself happy and try to get some revenge from this guy. Teach him a lesson before you leave.

If you have to stick around, here are some of my thoughts:

1) Your boss' boss has already told you what to do, just follow his advice. Show to your colleagues and bosses that you are making a great effort to work with the asshole. which can be many forms, especailly important is to show your good will in front of everyboday, especially the ones whose oppinion counts. show how good a "team player" you are. privately between you and the asshole, it almost does not mattery what you do. If I were you, I just ignore him. But I will put on a good show in front of others.

2) Don't ever complain or bitch about this guy in front of big boss or even your colleagues. you can go ask for their suggestions, on the other hand. find a mentor, especially someone heavyweight. even if you hate the guts of this asshole, never say anything negative about him. always put on a positive face. for example, if he did something really nasty, you can always go to your mentor to ask: this is what happened, what should I do? Remember, it's just a job for everybody. so nobody wants trouble, but if you are really suffering and need help, a lot of people will go out of their way to help out. According to Sun Zhi, pretend to be a pig and you can eat tiger:)

3) unless you have a great case, don't litigate or threat to litigate. no one wants trouble. besides, sexual harrasment cases are very hard trial wise. it can be a "he say she say", and I assume there is no physical contact and it's only verbal abuse, which makes it even harder. most lawyers will shy away from this kind of case.

4) try to do a good job. if possible, try to do something that's customer driven, or otherwise mission critical. whenever possible, try to get customers or your co-workers to write you appreciation emails for job well done. keep that flowing to people of significance in the company. it will help to establish that you are a valuable contibutor in the company, so that you are not at the mercy of the asshole's oppinion.

getting late and my brain is half dead. Hope it's helpful in however miniscule way...

Last word, however difficult it is, it's not the end of the world. If you leave the job and can't find a new one, you can always start your own business. Be happy and nice to yourself...
Troublemaker 离线
级别: 论坛版主

58楼  发表于: 2003-09-11   
Take it, yunyun!

I think all of above are useful, especially the last one!

Kind of summary!
芸芸 离线
级别: VIP

59楼  发表于: 2003-09-12   
QUOTE (scubadiver @ Sep 11 2003, 11:42 PM)
First of all, YunYun, my heart goes out for you. Sometimes an asshole can really ruin one's life ...

I am a deep diver and usually do not comment, however, in this situation, I will offer my two cents....

First of all, what are your alternatives? can you find a job quickly? can you afford to maintain your life style without working for a while? Think it through, it will tell you whether you need to stick around to take shit from this guy. If you do, then swallow your pride and try to be a "team player". If you don't have to stick around, chances are, it almost does not matter what you do. Just make yourself happy and try to get some revenge from this guy. Teach him a lesson before you leave.

暂时经济上还不是那么困难,所以我不打算忍辱负重了,而且也没法呆下去,他是我的顶头上司,去了大头就是他大了,而且他们一起工作了18年,我算什么?我也没明白大头为啥在一个月前没同意炒我,现在肯定后悔死了. 在下一贴我将我给他们的信公布出来.

If you have to stick around, here are some of my thoughts:

1) Your boss' boss has already told you what to do, just follow his advice. Show to your colleagues and bosses that you are making a great effort to work with the asshole. which can be many forms, especailly important is to show your good will in front of everyboday, especially the ones whose oppinion counts. show how good a "team player" you are. privately between you and the asshole, it almost does not mattery what you do. If I were you, I just ignore him. But I will put on a good show in front of others.
已经不可能了,我的心理素质达不到那种程度,我已经考验自己了,我去那里一天我就痛苦一天,每天回来什么也干不了,更别说找工作了. 说实话,我感觉同事们都很喜欢我,我以前在别的公司同事关系也都挺好,但现在我周围的几个同事已经都忙着自保了,谁还敢得罪他

2) Don't ever complain or bitch about this guy in front of big boss or even your colleagues. you can go ask for their suggestions, on the other hand. find a mentor, especially someone heavyweight. even if you hate the guts of this asshole, never say anything negative about him. always put on a positive face. for example, if he did something really nasty, you can always go to your mentor to ask: this is what happened, what should I do? Remember, it's just a job for everybody. so nobody wants trouble, but if you are really suffering and need help, a lot of people will go out of their way to help out. According to Sun Zhi, pretend to be a pig and you can eat tiger:)


3) unless you have a great case, don't litigate or threat to litigate. no one wants trouble. besides, sexual harrasment cases are very hard trial wise. it can be a "he say she say", and I assume there is no physical contact and it's only verbal abuse, which makes it even harder. most lawyers will shy away from this kind of case.
我星期四去工会律师那里咨询一下,反正我是会员, 免费咨询.
4) try to do a good job. if possible, try to do something that's customer driven, or otherwise mission critical. whenever possible, try to get customers or your co-workers to write you appreciation emails for job well done. keep that flowing to people of significance in the company. it will help to establish that you are a valuable contibutor in the company, so that you are not at the mercy of the asshole's oppinion.

NO WAY NOW. 他总在篡改你的东西而又没有第二个人来保护证明你,你怎么能说你做的好.这个公司IT部门就我们4(衰人,我+另两) 那两根本不太懂编程,就做SUPPORT,更需要讨好他

getting late and my brain is half dead. Hope it's helpful in however miniscule way...

Last word, however difficult it is, it's not the end of the world. If you leave the job and can't find a new one, you can always start your own business. Be happy and nice to yourself...

YUP,我决定开一家旅行社,名字还没想好,有没有酷酷的主意? tongue.gif


3 * 6 = ? 正确答案:18