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主题 : 让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES'
wenwendywen 离线
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20楼  发表于: 2007-07-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
33.        “ Please get out of the bathtub.”    “No! I don’t wanna get out of the tub.”

请从浴盆里出来。              不,我不想出来。

Helpful Hints:  * Set limits for tub time, and use a timer to enforce the limits.

几个有用的提示: × 定下盆浴时间并且用定时器来约束。

Start the bathtub routine early to avoid having to rush your child’s fun. 早点开始,让孩子多享受盆浴的乐趣。

Never leave toddlers and preschoolers alone in the bathtub, even for a few seconds. 永远不要单独把孩子留在浴盆里,哪怕只是几秒钟。

Set your water heater at 120oF (or lower) to prevent the bath water from acalding your child.

1) Don’t threaten. Don’t Say, “Get out of the tub NOW before I smack you on your bare bottom.”  Don’t threaten to hurt your child! Doing so might get immediate results, but the pain—emotional and physical—is too high a price to pay.

1) 不要威胁,不要说, “现在就起来不然我就打你的屁股。”


Instead, use a timer. Say, “When the timer rings, it will be time to get out and dry off so we can have a story before bed.”        Use a timer to manage the situation, and provide an incentive (such as a story) to motivate your child’s cooperation. This allows her to look beyond her desire to stay in the tub.


2) Don’t minimize your child’s feeling. Don’t say, “I have better things to do, so you need to get out of the tub now.”        Telling your child that you have more important things to do will make her feel unwanted and unworthy of your attention. Instead of cooperation, she’ll do everything she can to resist your request so she can finally get your attention.

2) 不要忽视孩子的情感,不要说,”我还有更要紧的是做,你现在要赶快起来离开浴盆!”


Instead, remind her about the rule. Say, “What’s the rule about staying in the tub?”      Referring to the rule helps your child develop the self-discipline she’ll need throughout her lifetime. It also puts you in a supportive rather than controlling role.

相反,提醒他规则, 说,“呆在浴盆里规则是什么?”    引用规则能帮你的孩子更自律,自我约束在一生中都很需要!这也把你放在支持孩子,而不是控制孩子的角色上。

3) Don’t get angry. Don’t say, “I’m getting angry, so you’d better get out of the tub before I lose my temper.”      Getting angry won’t teach your child to cooperate, and it won’t model the self-control you want her to develop. It will do just the opposite: teach her to throw a tantrum in order to get her way.

3) 不要生气,不是说,“我要生气了,你最好在我发脾气前离开浴盆!”


Instead, give consequences. Say, “I’m sorry you spent too much time in the tub. Now we don’t have time for your snack or story.”

Allow your child to suffer the consequences of failing to meet her goals. Doing so teaches her that her behavior has consequences—both positive and negative. It also gives her experience in coping with life’s little disappointments.



4) Don’t bribe. Don’t say, “If you get out of the tub now, I’ll give you some candy.”

Bribing your child with candy will leave a bad taste in your mouth! It will make that treat very important to her and will teach her that she can put a price on her cooperation.



Instead, make a deal. Say, “When you’ve gotten out of the tub and are dry and in your pajamas, we can read a story before you go to bed.”

Grandma’s Rule helps your child develop self-control and the ability to delay gratification. These skills will help her cope with the necessary and sometimes unpleasant tasks of life.

相反,给出约定, 说,‘当你离开浴盆,擦干并穿好睡衣,我们在睡觉前就可以讲个故事。”

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水做的鱼 威望 +3 2007-07-08 -
wenwendywen 离线
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21楼  发表于: 2007-07-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

周末不太舒服,没怎么出去玩,就翻了2章耶 (2个问题)。。。

自己表扬一下自己 !!!
一手臭牌 离线
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22楼  发表于: 2007-07-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
水做的鱼 离线
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23楼  发表于: 2007-07-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

wenwendywen 离线
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24楼  发表于: 2007-07-09   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
34. “ Please Brush your teeth.”          “No! I don’t wanna brush my teeth.!”

请刷牙。          ‘不,我不想刷牙!”

Helpful Hints: *: Whenever possible, brush your teeth with your child so he can see how it’s done and be motivated to do the same.

友情提示: × 尽可能和你的孩子一起刷牙,这样,他能看得到怎么刷,也能促使他和你做一样的事。

Find a kid-friendly dentist who supports your efforts to encourage good dental hygiene. If possible, interview a couple of dentists to learn how they work with your children.

1) Don’t get angry. Don’t say, “I’m sick and tired of your not wanting to brush your teeth. Now get in there and don’t come out till you’ve finished. ”

Demanding cooperation sets up battle lines with your child; it doesn’t show him how to be more cooperative. Forcing the issue will only result in greater resistance. Make peace, not war!

1) 不要生气,不要说,“我烦透了,每次你都不想刷牙。现在,进去刷牙,不刷完不准出来!”


Instead, give choices. Say, “I understand that you don’t like to brush your teeth, but it’s very important to keep them clean and healthy. Do you want me to help you brush, or do you want to do it yourself.

Taking a helpful, supportive approach can soften your child’s resistance. Working together can meet his agenda (having some control) and yours (getting his teeth brushed).

相反,给出选择, 说, “我理解你不想刷牙。但是,保持牙齿的清洁和健康是十分重要的!你是想让我帮你刷,还是你自己刷呢?”


2) Don’t use putdown. Don’t say, “You’ve so pigheaded. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

Labeling your child equates his behavior with who he is, contributing to a negative self-image. Make sure to separate your child from his behavior, so he understands that he may behave in undesirable ways at times, but that he can change his behavior. Make sure your child knows that he’s always lovable and wonderful even when his behavior is not.


给你的孩子定性,把他这个人和他的行为划等号,这给他一个负面的自我画像。 一定要区分开孩子本人和他的行为。确保你的孩子知道他本人总是可爱和重要的,即使当他的行为不好时。

Instead, invite feedback. Say, “Tell me what you don’t like about brushing. I’d like to help if I can.”

Asking your child for his opinion validates him as a person and gives you information that may solve the problem.



3) Don’t bribe. Don’t say, “if you brush your teeth, I’ll let you have some soda pop.”

Offering your child a reward for doing what you ask sends him the message that cooperation is all about the reward, not about teamwork. Besides, giving a sugary snack or drink defeats the purpose of brushing.


因为孩子所作的事 给他奖励相当于告诉他,合作就是为了奖励,而不是‘团队精神’。而且,给甜的点心和饮料也让刷牙失去意义。

Instead, make a deal. Say, “When your teeth are clean, then we can read some bedtime stories.”

Grandma’s Rule teaches your child that in order to do what he wants, he must fist accomplish the required task. This important lesson also teaches him the goal of cooperation: a win-win result.

相反,给出协议, 说,“如果你的牙齿清洁后,我们就可以看些睡觉前的故事书了。”

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水做的鱼 威望 +3 2007-07-09 好文共享,辛勤
wenwendywen 离线
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25楼  发表于: 2007-07-09   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

水做的鱼 离线
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26楼  发表于: 2007-07-10   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
wenwendywen 离线
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27楼  发表于: 2007-07-10   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
35. “It’s time to get your hair but.”  “No! I don’t wanna get my hair cut.”

"该理发了。”          “不, 我不想理发!”

Helpful hints: * Play hairstylist at home to give your child some practice in getting her hair cut.

友情提示: ×你在家里当理发师,让孩子有些理发的演习。

Talk about the fun parts of getting a haircut, such as the buzzing razor tickling her neck or how good it feels to have her scalp massaged.


* Make sure the person cutting your child’s hair is experienced, patient, and nurturing.

Stay by your child’s side during the haircut to help her feel safe.

1) Don’t demand. Don’t say, “What do you mean you don’t want a haircut? Now just shut up and get in the chair!”

1) 不要强求, 不要说,“你说不想剪头是什么意思?闭嘴,现在坐在这个椅子上!”

You lack of empathy for your child’s feelings will diminish her ability to identify her emotions and deal with them. In addition, it will make her lose respect for you, which will increase her desire to rebel.


Instead, invite feedback. Say, “Tell me how you feel inside when your hair is getting cut.” Asking your child to describe her feelings will affirm her as a person and tell her that you care about her. Always teach your child that her feelings matter, instead of immediately assuming that her fears are “strange” or “wrong.” You may not like that fact that she’s afraid, or you may want to dismiss her feelings because they’re blocking your agenda, but empathizing with her will mean she’ll rebel less.

相反,引出反馈,说,“告诉我,当你剪头时,你心里是怎么想的。”要求你孩子描述他的感受, 会加强他对自己作为‘人’的意识,并让他意识他你关心他。你要一直告诉孩子,他的感受很重要, 而不是立刻认定他的害怕是‘奇怪’和‘错误’的。你可能不喜欢他害怕这个事实,或者,你因为孩子(的所为)影响了你的安排而想忽略孩子的感受,但是,同情理解孩子意味着孩子会有更少的反抗。

2) Don’t shame. Don’t say, “You embarrass me when you make a fuss at the stylist’s.”

Never tell your child that she embarrasses you. Dong so will only increase her fears, and it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

不要羞辱,不要说,“你在理发店力吵闹让我难堪。” 永远不要告诉孩子他使你难堪。这么做,只会增加他的害怕,而且,还可能不幸成为预言。

Instead, be positive. Say, “I’m sorry you don’t like getting a haircut. Let’s think of ways you can have fun while your hair is getting cut.”

Teach your child to develop the attitude that every challenge is an opportunity to find solutions. Encourage her to play a game with you while she’s getting her hair cut (“I spy,” for example).



3) Don’t name-call. Don’t say, “What do you mean you’re afraid? Why are you such a wimp?” How would you like it if someone said this to you? Humiliating your child will only increase her fears and will teach her to make fun of others when they’re afraid. You want to avoid these outcomes at all costs.



Instead, affirm your child’s feelings. Say, “I understand that you’re feeling afraid when you’re getting your hair cut, but I know you’re brave and strong and can handle it. ”

Affirming your child’s bravery will help her become more confident and resilient.


wenwendywen 离线
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28楼  发表于: 2007-07-10   
Re:Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
引用第26楼水做的鱼于07-10-2007 14:03发表的 Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES .. :

开心!!! 有用就好!!!
听听 离线
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29楼  发表于: 2007-07-10   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
欣喜! 发现了这个好文章.最近对孩子的斥责较多,自我检讨中,,,,太好了,谢谢WENWEN ! 加油啊
wenwendywen 离线
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30楼  发表于: 2007-07-12   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
38. “It’s time to cut your nails.”            “No! I don’t want you to cut my nails!”

"该剪你的指甲了。”              “不,我不想要你剪我的指甲!”

Helpful hints: * Choose a time for nail trimming that doesn’t interrupt our child’s favorite activity, such as after a bath or before bed.

友情提示: × 剪指甲时间的选择在不会打断孩子的活动时候,例如,洗澡后或上床前。

Avoid trying to trim your child’s nails when he’s tired or hungry. It’ll be harder for him to sit then, which will increase the chances of an accidental ‘owie.”

1) Don’t be aggressive. Don’t say, “I’m going to cut your nails whether you like it or not. Now hold still.”  This kind of dictatorial parenting hurts everyone involved. Chances are your child will resist even more if you try to hold him down.



Instead, invite feedback. Say, “Help me understand why you don’t want to have your nails trimmed.”

Asking your child why he’s resisting will no only help you understand his thinking, it will validate him as a person. Both consequences will encourage his cooperation. When you find out what’s bothering him, you’ll have a better chance of fixing the problem and getting the job done.




2)Don’t threaten. Don’t say, “If you don’t let me cut your nails, you’ll have to spend the rest of the day in your room.” Threatening to isolate your child won’t teach him to do what he needs to do. It will only hurt your relationship and teach him that he’ll be punished for not doing what you ask. When he doesn’t cooperate, he needs you to teach him how to complete the task and motivate him to follow your direction.

2) 不要威胁,不要说,“如果你不让我给你剪指甲,你今天必须就呆在你的房间过一天。”


Instead, play a game. Say, “Let’s play the manicure game. I’ll get the table ready so we can trim your nails.” Making a game out of cutting y our child’s nails will make the task fun. You can accomplish anything with your child when you love and laugh together through the experience.



3)Don’t use fear. Don’t say, “If you don’t let me cut your nails, they’ll get long and scratch somebody, and then you’ll be in big trouble.”


Threatening your child with adverse social consequences may frighten him into doing what you ask, but it won’t teach him the proper reason for cooperation.


Instead, empathize. Say, “It’s importance to keep our nails trimmed so we don’t accidentally scratch someone. We don’t want that to happen.”

Appeal to your child’s innate empathy to help him understand the importance of keeping his nails trimmed for his own safety as well as the safety of others.


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31楼  发表于: 2007-07-12   
wenwendywen 离线
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32楼  发表于: 2007-08-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..


wenwendywen 离线
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33楼  发表于: 2007-08-05   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
Section II: Getting Dressed 穿衣

13. “Please put on clean clothes.”      “No. I wanna wear my dirty clothes.”

“请穿上干净的衣服。"            "不,我还想穿这件脏衣服。”

Helpful hints; * Establish a rule about wearing clean clothes, and make sure your child understands the definition of dirty. For example, “We were clothes that don’t smell bad and don’t have stains.”

Talk about the importance of cleanliness so your child understands why you need to wash clothes regularly.
Let your child help with the laundry so she can see how clothes go through the washer and dryer and come out clean.
友情提示: ×建立穿干净衣服的规则,让你的孩子明白‘脏’的定义。例如,“我们要穿那些没有臭味和污点的衣服。”



1)      Don’t threaten. Don’t say, “Go ahead and wear that dirty thing. People won’t like you if you’re dirty.”

Threatening your preschooler with social isolation will have little impact on her. She simply wants to do her own thing. Besides, you want your child to wear clean clothes in order to develop good habits, not because she fears rejection.



Instead, offer other options, say, “I’m sorry. That dress has to go in the laundry. Tomorrow it will be clean and you can wear it again. Until then, let’s pick out something else.”

Being firm while providing other options can help your child learn to delay gratification and be flexible. Letting her choose a different outfit appeals to her desire to exert control over what she wears.



2)      Don’t belittle. Don’t say, “What’s the matter with you? All you want to wear is that dirty old dress.”

Berating your child teaches her that she may lose your love and support because she wants to wear the same dress. Don’t make her choose between your love and her dress.



Instead, make a deal, say, “I understand that you want to wear that dress again today, but you can’t because it’s dirty. Let’s choose something else to wear. When you have a different out fit on, then we can watch your favorite program until it’s time to go to school.”

相反, 说,“我理解你今天还想穿那件衣服,但是你不能穿,因为它太脏了。让我们选件别的衣服穿。你穿好别的衣服后,我们可以看你喜欢的电视节目直到上学的时候。

3)      Don’t beg, don’t say, “Please put on the clean dress. Do it for mommy.”

As tempting as it may be, begging won’t teach your child to choose appropriately on her own. Instead, it will teach her to worry about whether you still love her if she doesn’t cooperate.



Instead, use empathy. Day, “I know you love your favorite dress. I love mine, too. Let’s wash them together, and we can both wear them when they’re clean.”

By empathizing with your child’s desire to wear the same clothes, you’re letting her know that you’re on the same team. Working together will bring you both the results you want. 、


清心 离线
级别: 军区司令员
34楼  发表于: 2007-08-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
谢谢三文MM, 真是受益不少,刷牙,剪指甲,洗澡,穿衣。。。。。。非常实用,每天都会遇到,常看常新,还有提醒的作用。

marilyn 离线
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35楼  发表于: 2007-08-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
水做的鱼 离线
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36楼  发表于: 2007-08-08   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..

renée 离线
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37楼  发表于: 2007-08-09   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
wenwendywen 离线
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38楼  发表于: 2007-08-09   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
谢谢大家的鼓励和支持!!!!希望对有宝宝的各位有点帮助。 感动中。。。。。 ^_^



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wenwendywen 离线
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39楼  发表于: 2007-08-09   
Re:让你的孩子从‘拒绝’到‘合作’Getting your child from 'NO' to 'YES ..
前言简介  Introduction

Empathize. Show your child that you empathize with his concerns. This validates him and tells him that you respect his opinions, which in turn motivates him to cooperate as part of your team. If you repeatedly scold, find fault, complain, blame, label, and guilt-trip your child, he'll tune you out and learn to use these hurtful tactics to other people.


Make a deal using Grandma's Rule. Grandma's Rule says, "When you've done what I've asked you to do, then you're free to do what you want to do." This peaceful solution to parent-child conflicts teaches your child the value of meeting his responsibilities before doing what he wants. It gives him practice in delaying gratification and tolerating frustration. It helps him develop the internal motivation to get his work done before enjoying his fun. The ultimate benefit of Grandma's Rule is teaching your child the win-win, team approach to meeting everyone's agenda.

Bribery, on the other hand, tells your child, "if you do what I ask, then I'll give you a special prize." It teaches him to hold out for a tangible payoff before cooperating. Once he learns that his cooperation can be bought and sold on the open market, his motivation remains external and totally dependent on the size of the payoff he can receive.


相反,贿赂是告诉你的孩子,"如果你照我要求的去做,我就会给你特别的奖励。" 这是教会他一个实在的奖品支撑他到合作。一旦他意识到他的合作是可以公然买卖,他的驱动力是外在的,而且是完全与他所要得到的奖励大小相关。

Teach by giving choices. When you give your child choices, he practices his decision-making skills. For example, you might say, "You can play nicely with your sister, or you can play by yourself. You choose." This motivates him to play nicely with his sister in order to remain in her company (something he dearly wants to do).

On the other hand, intimidating your child by threatening to punish him when he doesn't listen tells him that he has no choice in the matter. Because he hasn't been given any say in what happens, his anger, resentment, and reluctance to cooperate will increase—the opposite of what you want. Threats lead to fear, and fear motivated your child to escape or rebel rather than cooperate.

Threats also put you in a difficult position. If your child doesn't comply, you're forced to follow through with a punishment that damages your child and your relationship with him; if you don't follow through, your credibility is destroyed. When your child discovers that your threat was empty, he'll no longer believe that you mean what you say. He'll replace his fear of punishment with a fear that nothing is as it seems. It's best to avoid these consequences by avoiding threats




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